
Realising the difference...

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Old 06-15-2012, 12:31 AM
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Realising the difference...

For me, to even begin to make inroads into my recovery, as I suspect for many other, if not all, recovering alcoholics was the recognition, in myself and acceptance that I had a problem, and was in fact, despite not giving my permission, an alcoholic!

Just as important, for I chose to follow the suggested 12 Step programme of recovery, outlined in the book,'Alcoholics Anonymous' partially on the basis that it was in fact written by the first 100 people to recover, which leant it a certain amount of credibility to me.

Was for me, in recovery to recognise and accept the difference between , faith and belief,applied in this case towards,'the god of my understanding'.

In the terms of this exercise, my recovery, faith meant to follow, the teachings of my christian upbringing and background. Which in all honesty hadn't taken me anywhere, and if nothing else brought me bouts of frustration and self doubt!

Belief, then meant, I not only believed, but in doing so, became a part of that belief, in the god of my understanding.

BIG DIFFERENCE!!! For once I grasped that and it became firmly embedded in my whole attitude, not just to my recovery, but to life itself there was a series of progressions in my life that I could once only dream about.

Resulting in a 'psychic change' or ,'spiritual experience' on the night of the 14th/15th Feb., 2008, when I was alone and unaided and so debilitated by my alcoholism, I couldn't even stand up, let alone walk! So, I crawled to my bed, and lay there in fear that I wouldn't see the morning light. Crying, praying calling out to the god of my understanding, in my new found belief, until oblivion.

Within days it was apparent that my alcoholism , had been taken from me! The proof? I'm here typing this post. What caused it? I have to accept as others did, doctors, counsellors thgat I was subject of what I've already described. Call it what you will. My sobriety, along with my belief remains until this day, and no one or no thing is ever going to take that from me, ever....:ghug3
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