Early Riser Check-in Thread Part 33

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Old 08-10-2024, 02:02 PM
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Early Riser Check-in Thread Part 33

Last part here:
https://www.soberrecovery.com/forums...t-32-a-21.html (Early Riser Check-in Thread Part 32)
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Old 08-10-2024, 04:22 PM
  # 2 (permalink)  
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Thanks for this new Early Riser chapter monsieur Dee

Nice picture of your paddling boat Alpine...I re-post it for all to see if you don't mind


Our relation with water wasn't as fun yesterday...
"Debby" left 156mm (6.1 inches) of rain in 12 hours in Montreal, an absolute record.
This is Carrefour Laval Holiday Inn...

It has been hell for many people but not where I live thankfully.

Have a good night Earlies ☼

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Old 08-10-2024, 04:26 PM
  # 3 (permalink)  
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Thanks Dee and Thanks CK.!
We headed back just in time to beat the storm. Lots of flooding in that area now.
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Old 08-10-2024, 06:11 PM
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Dang, that storm has wreaked havoc all over!

Glad you got away in time, Alpine

Thanks Dee for the new thread
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Old 08-11-2024, 12:46 AM
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Thank you for the new thread Dee.

Beautiful photo Alpine, so peaceful looking.

Good lord CK! 156mm of rain in 12 hours is a collosal amount. I can remember London having 71mm - less than half what Montreal got - in about 18 hours and that was an eye-opener.

Had a lie in this morning. Coffee is served.
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Old 08-11-2024, 03:25 AM
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Koala and Alpine…we went through Debby as well but when it was a cat 1 hurricane. The center of her passed about 65 miles east of our home in north central Florida. Debby caused a lot of flooding from Florida to Canada. It’s amazing the amount of moisture these storms generate. Have a good day everyone.
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Old 08-11-2024, 03:59 AM
  # 7 (permalink)  
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Up and ready for the day

Happy day to all
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Old 08-11-2024, 04:53 AM
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Working my overnight shift, warm and humid, so tired, two more hours and then I can race home and guzzle iced coffee!
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Old 08-11-2024, 04:56 AM
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We have had no problems here in Wisconsin from the storms.
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Old 08-11-2024, 05:31 AM
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Thanks Dee
Wow CK! Saou's comment "I can remember London having 71mm" prompted me to look up record daily rainfall amounts for Winnipeg. The majority of the records were set before I was born.

1901 - 152.4mm
1914 - 133.6mm
1884 - 84.6mm
1962 - 83.8mm
1913 - 81.8mm
1886 - 81.5mm
1985 - 77.0mm

I took kayaking lessons when I was young, part of high school gym classes. I've always been interested in going it alone (I like solitary activities). I came very close to buying one several years ago. I think that opportunity has sailed tho. I'm quite happy on solid land.

Have a great day everyone.
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Old 08-11-2024, 05:42 AM
  # 11 (permalink)  
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Where we were camped I read the storm was dropping 3-4 inches an hour.
ST I have done both canoe and kayak camping along with backpacking and bikepacking. Enjoy them all. Canoe/kayak camping is more gentle on the body. However in bad conditions when moving there is no rest breaks while on the water unless you can tuck in on the lee side.
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Old 08-11-2024, 06:02 AM
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Great photo Alpine!

CK, I was afraid that you guys would get hard hit. The majority of Debbie passed about a 100 miles west of us mainly. Glad you are safe.

Astro, I hope you find a retirement spot! Funny, my wife mentioned a couple of months back that Savannah or Charleston could be good places to retire. Both are under water now. I say no.

Sao, glad you are still drinking with all that money lying around. Seems a little shady from our boss.

Have a good day all!
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Old 08-11-2024, 09:13 AM
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El Niņo or La Niņa influences the weather here. The current La Nina is dryer warmer weather. Other that a monsoon storm drug up from Mexico due a massive clockwise rotating heat dome. Hot muggy rain in the summertime is very strange here. No goody.

I'm dragging anchor this morning. Time to float my boat on a sea of coffee with some restraint.
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Old 08-11-2024, 12:58 PM
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Been busy cleaning out all the pipe areas in the bathroom, kitchen, shower and carport. The HOA is re piping next week and it's a total pita. The will be here by 8 so we have to get up super early to let them in. I've been putting stuff away or aside all morning. As soon as I get in the shower, I'm going to clear all that out too. I hope they'll be done soon. Oh well, I guess these things have to get done sometimes. Better than having a flood. I have to go to my sister's tomorrow and do laundry. I am helping her out as she tore a ligament in her knee again.
CK, that is a horrible flood! I hope it recedes quickly.
Gator and Alpine, sending you both prayers and love. Alpine, I know you have to go in tomorrow and I'll be thinking of you. I hope you have a peaceful day today.
Have a great day all.
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Old 08-11-2024, 11:37 PM
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Morning all, it is set to be the hottest day of the year later, 32C/90F

I'm taking the money in to work this morning. I get on well with my boss but I am going to grumble about Saturday morning before I give him the money.

I hope there are no more storms on their way to you guys for a while.
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Old 08-12-2024, 02:26 AM
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Up since 4:00 AM. Mr. LHW is heading out on a 3-day golf trip with his buddies. I’ll be a bachelorette for a few days. LOL.

Have a great day everyone.
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Old 08-12-2024, 02:28 AM
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Not much sleep here, anxiety ramping up due to the MRIs and CTs today. Blah.

Happy day to all
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Old 08-12-2024, 03:17 AM
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Alpine…praying for the best for you! Everyone have a good Monday!
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Old 08-12-2024, 03:47 AM
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Sending positive vibes Alpine.
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Old 08-12-2024, 05:17 AM
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Best wishes Alpine! You are in my thoughts.

Glad that you are finally getting one day of summer Sao. Seems like you have had a cloudy and cool summer up to this point.

Sounds like a lot of work Aly. As you said, it is better than a flood.

Have a good start to the week all!
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