
Hen House Talk - All are Welcome, part 47!!

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Old 10-12-2013, 08:01 AM
  # 141 (permalink)  
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Thanks, TB - I'd forgotten the second S but I knew it was something about material data... I've honestly never seen anything like that in a personal residence but had to know where they were everywhere I worked. Hope you have better weather today.

Venus - hope you are feeling better.

Lenina - from what I've read, most insurance plans don't cover Naturopath or any kind of "alternative medicine" which I think is stupid as it would probably cost a lot less in the long run!

I'm at Mr D's, he's still sound asleep, but wow did the new lady clean up!!

I woke up, sometime last night, to sm leaning over me in the bed, going through my covers? I just snapped "what?!?" and she was looking for the dog. Told her the dog had been with her all night! She is ticked off that she can't spend every minute with BB and the kids are doing stuff without including her.

NMP, I'm going to throw the roast in the crockpot, forgot to pick up carrots

Hugs and prayers,

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Old 10-12-2013, 04:41 PM
  # 142 (permalink)  
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Health insurance in Oz covers naturopathy; we are evolved.
As I said in Whiners, I am on my way for dinner Ames!!!
And the football game.

Fandy suggested you lock your bedroom door; I would.
And if you don't have a lock? I would get one. Geesh.
That is unacceptable behaviour by her.

Yes, I am fine now, well almost.
Still coughing.

Love to all in the HH,

V xx
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Old 10-12-2013, 04:42 PM
  # 143 (permalink)  
The truth shall set you free
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You have no idea how frustrating having this crappie WiFi is. It took me two hours to post this.

(((Amy))) BB is beautiful. My goodness, she has grown. Nice car seat. I see you are keeping up with the resent styles. You have good taste. BB and bratkin are very lucky to have you in there life.

(((lenina))) Sorry, I have no experience with alternative medicine, so I can’t share any words of wisdom. But I do have experience with pain - 24 hours a day 7 days a week pain. And I can tell you its not fun. I hope you have some relief soon. I know how being in pain and worrying takes our focus off the important things in life.

(((chicory))) I wish I had someone stalking me, for some reason people try to stay away from me at all cost. Lol All joking aside, good advice from the Hens. Be careful.

(((lauren))) Nice pictures. You made a comfy home for you and hubby. You know what I miss around this time of the year, pumpkin picking.

(((TOD))) What’s Up. Please tell Jethro I said hi.

Planning on having whole white potatoes out of the can for dinner tonight. Anyone have a quick recipe. I have spices and cream corn. Has to be cook in a microwave.

This past week was a wash. Nothing exciting or spectacular to right about. Welfare forum is interesting, if you want to learn how to scam the system or commit fraud.

Hugs to all
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Old 10-12-2013, 04:42 PM
  # 144 (permalink)  
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Amy..Little BB is the cutest especially in her new car seat..aunties are good
people ..I really like the animal prints they have out now adays.

Today was good..for weeks now I have been putting off making this anti
pasta that was a Secret Recipe given to me by an Italian Canadian Family,
with the promise to never give over the ingredients..As I look into all the
recipes on the internet..anti pasta is so many different things these days..
So the recipe is an all time keeper as I never seen one near the same.

As all my pictures rather look the same..I will add another to the pile..

The best part of the secret is the crab..shrimps..and nice solid tuna..
and of course the garden cauliflower..along with all the other nice things.
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Old 10-12-2013, 05:09 PM
  # 145 (permalink)  
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Oh (((Lauren))) that is simply divine! lovely, warm, clean, and promising of tasty stuff for winter eating! You are amazing lady! what is the interesting cluster in your white container? Your pictures are anything but boring.. I love seeing them, it inspires me. love the colors. I have never heard of a recipe with those ingredients, in an anti pasta sauce.

((((tb)))) the stalker(lol) was nice, and I have not emailed him yet. The main reason? He stated that cats do not think! I said, "Oh, you really don't think so?" and he went on to say as fact that they do not. I don't think anyone really knows that-since they are not in the animals brain to know. I think that my kitties are thinking of food, when I pull in and they look so happy to see me. and when I call roxie at night, and she comes strolling into the bedroom, so we can go to bed, each night she does this. And at 430 am, when she scratches on the bedroom door, hoping I will give them their wet food, and I shoo her out, and she gives me about fifteen minutes and does it again. I am pretty sure she is thinking about what she is doing. in a cats way of thinking.

but anyway, this guy just sounded like a person who is used to being right.... I want a guy who asks, 'what do you think?'
I don't think he knows that it sounds unpleasant to make know it all statements like that. and I do not desire to try to enlighten anyone- that is too much work. btdt

and another thing. He said he had a cat, a siamese, and I thought that was awesome! but when I said that I fed strays, he said 'I dont do that' and I noticed a bit of a cringe on his face.... boy, us ACOA's know our stuff, can read every move and tone of voice there! and I am going to pay attention from now on...
I'm not that lonely yet!
I am just through making do with less than I want from a relationship.
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Old 10-12-2013, 05:19 PM
  # 146 (permalink)  
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Ooooooo chic ~ CATS DO NOT THINK?
I have changed my mind; you cannot be friends with this man.
I am incensed by this statement.
How completely ludicrous!
Nope...forget him. He is not for us!!

And the cringe? He is judgemental....nope nope nope.

Love V xx
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Old 10-12-2013, 05:43 PM
  # 147 (permalink)  
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Posts: 2,968 is more so an Hors d'oeuvre,I like to to give out for Christmas
time along with other preserves..You take a heaping spoon on the biggest
cracker you can find..I like Rosemary type crackers..and munch!!

I also like to make Pate..goose liver..terrible to say yet the Goose Man comes
to town in the fall from the colonies and it is the only time you can buy it for
the Pate. You make it with the liver and a pound of butter and spices..A friend
brought us some already made up from Montreal Canada..oh my was so
good..I had to hand over some of my anti pasta for payment..I will not give him
the recipe as he is not ready yet..he is in his thirties and wants to perfect something
that doesn't need perfecting...So..when he is ready..I will think about it!!
Hows that for cooking secrets to the death..He can't one up me on this one!!

Just having fun here..

Hugs to all..

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Old 10-12-2013, 05:54 PM
  # 148 (permalink)  
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lauren ~ how about some nice easy recipes for people like me who can't really cook?
Maybe your tips for an awesome potato salad? I love salads.

V xx
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Old 10-12-2013, 06:02 PM
  # 149 (permalink)  
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VC..I belong to the Austrian Club and the best salad on earth is the
German Potato mayonnaise is warm and if you can
boil a potato and grill some bacon..a little cider vinegar in some recipes
with a bit of celery..always use celery in neutralizes gas..a
little of veg's you like and you can use the bacon dripping if you can tolerate
it..and parsley of course...Lots of recipes on the internet..just make sure you
have a authentic site such as from Austria.or Germany..a side of Bratwurst
and lady you are a cook!!

Always present on your best hubby says presentation is 90 % of the
meal..actually he has taught me..not the other way around..


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Old 10-12-2013, 06:05 PM
  # 150 (permalink)  
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Thank you lauren, and I so agree about the presentation.
Tonight I am making my very simple cheese and tomato omelette, but the way I do it,
and how awesome it looks? I am proud every time. Maybe I will take a pic.

Love V xx
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Old 10-12-2013, 06:11 PM
  # 151 (permalink)  
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I would love to see your picture..Hubby is an omelet guy, he does in the
mornings..I love it in the evening shouldn't get me
started on food..I never will be quiet..I can hardly eat at times my tummy
has been my weakness area all my life..I love to eat yet pay dearly..

I think it is fun therapy to do keeps us out of trouble and it is
something we are proud of..after all we have to eat to live..and the rest is
just baggage that we need to clear away..Right~

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Old 10-12-2013, 07:52 PM
  # 152 (permalink)  
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Oooh, all the food talk sounds lovely!!! I learned to like antipasta/o? when I was madly-in-crush with a Greek guy. Also learned to love Greek pastries that his mom made...sigh.

TB, Lee-Lee - so sorry about all the pain. I have my generalized aches and pains, some are worse some days, but so far I consider myself lucky. Will have to check out the wonder cream V mentioned.

Good day, mostly. Mr. D is going into hibernation mode and I started telling him "you HAVE to get up now, no you can't stay in bed" at 11:15 a.m. Personally? I don't think it will be long until he is spending most of his days sleeping, but daughter wants him up, so he was up - sleeping in his chair

New caregiver had the house looking SO nice, I adore her already, and I kept it that way. Yes, we had the pot roast, potatoes, etc. and I brought some home as there was so much. Opened the window in the den, put Tiger (inside cat) in windowsill and he was in heaven.

Who's the one with the memory problem? Later, like HOURS later, I'm looking for Tiger, everywhere, can't find him. Mr. D is convinced I let him out, I know I haven't, when I finally spy him on the window sill...sigh. Dog went just a wee bit crazy with smells from the crockpot, but he and both cats got their share and I left with everyone full and sleepy.

Got home, sm seemed to have an attitude, but we moved past it. Got a box from aunt M, in CA, with more things she wanted me to have. I haven't gone through it all, but there are birth/marriage/death certificates in there that she wants ME to have and not mention. I can tell dad, but he's a blabbermouth and I'm not sure what she's talking about, so I have the box. I did find mom's death certificate, some awards dad won in grammar school, pictures and a video of mom's retirement party which I will have made into a DVD. Just glanced through it.

Sent her a text about some paperwork I didn't think I needed, she called back and she does need that paperwork back - legal stuff on uncle Joe's trailer. She said he has cancer in colon, liver, intestines, etc. She, uncle J and my cousins have been cleaning his trailer for him to come back to? I won't go into details, as this is long enough, but he can't have hospice at home without a family member being there, and my aunt M canNOT be the one. She has told family he will eventually need to go to a nursing home.

He has no life insurance, just what money he has left that he got when g'ma died. He will be cremated, aunt M's pastor will bless him and say nice words, but she told me that they do not expect dad or I to come back out there. I think dad is torn, and I WILL do what I can to get him out there if he wants to go, but I can't go.

TOD - I forgot to tell you! I have a video of BB "dancing" which means she shakes her head like "NO!!" and bounces her legs, but we were doing it to the song you had posted a while back "when you're going through hell, keep on going, don't stop now..." and I thought of you. Don't know how to post videos from my phone here, and I'm singing on it so that's a no-go!

Oh yeah, I made it clear to dad and sm that all the BS they throw around about why I stay in my room (blaming each other) is BS and I just want my peace!

I do believe sm was looking for the dog, as she gets really pizzed if dog prefers to sleep with ME over her when she's here. Yes, I have locks on my doors. One I had to add as bratkin was trying to "beat my azz" in a drunken/doped up stupor years ago.

I'm an RA, I know how to hide stuff Sorry for the novel, I just can't seem to get here much except at night.

Love you all!!

Hugs and prayers,

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Old 10-12-2013, 07:59 PM
  # 153 (permalink)  
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We love your 'novels' Ames ~ sleep well. ♥

Love V xx
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Old 10-12-2013, 08:08 PM
  # 154 (permalink)  
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Yes, we do, Amy. It would not be complete if we did not hear from our Amy and about her day. Seems like it is part of all our lives,, you know?
I think my toe might be broken? I bumped it soooooo hard, on a cedar chest... my baby toe. ooouchie.

Venus, dont ever leave us, ok? have a great day and good luck with job hunting.
or, are you getting ready for dinner and football? if so, have a great time.

I shall retire. take my sore toe with me. I am getting round as a little Humpty Dumpty....ugh. gotta find some exercise I love.

have sweet dreams all, and you are all in my prayers, always.
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Old 10-12-2013, 08:59 PM
  # 155 (permalink)  
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Venus - I agree, please don't ever leave us!! I have a wonderful roast and potatoes/onions in a container right long will it take you to get here? OMG, i just admitted that I cooked an amazing dinner?!?!?! He!! must surely be frozen over

Chicory - Thank you and Venus for tolerating my novels. I read, throughout they day, but it's just not fun trying to type everything on my phone. Broken pinkie toe? Ouch!! Can you tape it to the next toe? NOT medical advice, as I learned about this before I became a nurse, but even in nursing school, I learned that unless toe is jutting out sideways..tape it to next toe and take OTC pain relievers.

I just realized I have a dilemma. I miss Patches (and Elvis, no doubt, but his death was expected). Mr. D's outside cat (Sam) who I THINK is a female (she has the flabby belly that Patches had with no signs of being a male, but then I had a male cat named Amber, so WTF do I know?)

Anyway, she/he loves Skipper, wants to come inside, and I think he/she has arthritis - just seems to have trouble walking. Is totally comfy with me picking "it" up, has learned to like "people food" and has gotten rather vocal when I'm around.

Dilemma is, I'm quite sure I could find out if it's a male/female (regardless, it's fixed) and bring it home. It and Tinker would get along quite fine, I think. I spent time in the literal doghouse, today, trying to fix the heat lamp that Skipper damaged during a seizure.

HOWEVER, I have no idea how old Sam is; would it and Mots get along. Would it be okay being an inside cat, or would it still want to go outside and with dad/sm - that wouldn't be a problem.

I'm thinking I'm trying to fill a hole in my heart, and trying to "fix" whatever is going on with Sam.

On second thought, I'm there 40 hours a week, I give it goodies, hug and snuggle, and maybe I'm trying to fill a void too soon.

Need to go to bed soon. Sorry for the rambling. My mind is just a bit of a whirlwind but I do really feel better than I was the past few weeks.

Hugs and prayers,

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Old 10-13-2013, 01:51 AM
  # 156 (permalink)  
RIP Maria
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This is where I spent most of the day. At my sister's. With this beautiful view from their back porch! As well as a few chickens eating at our feet from the pile of bird seed I brought them. Jethro had taken the day off to go with me, but woke up with a really bad Fibro Flare up. So he stayed home.

This is my nephew and a couple of his friends, fishing off the neighbor's dock.

I have a heavy heart tonight. I'm afraid Maria might have the dreaded/killing Yeast Infection in her crawl. She's packing in the seeds and grain, but it's not passing into her stomach. This is what causes the Yeast to start crowing. There's no sense in taking her to the Vet. The last four I had in there died anyway, with the type of medicine they were prescribed.

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Old 10-13-2013, 02:08 AM
  # 157 (permalink)  
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Oh TOD ~ although the view is superb, the news about Maria is just heartbreaking.
Is there no way she can recover from this?

V xx
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Old 10-13-2013, 03:10 AM
  # 158 (permalink)  
RIP Maria
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Venus: Here's some info I found. It's the page you'll read when you open this link up. We'll give this a try. I had already planned on removing her food for the day and she'll get a small amount of can corn, applesauce and water. She puts up more with Jethro massaging her crawl to get things moving, moreso than she will me.

Chicken Has Swollen Stomach, Is This Sour Crop

Munchkin! Save this link for your use too, for when you get chickens in Alaska. It's got a lot of different info on it.

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Old 10-13-2013, 03:31 AM
  # 159 (permalink)  
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Seems like some pretty good info TOD; so you have to get more fluids into her.
I really hope this helps.

Strangely enough, little V is having some tummy etc issues right now as well; I am going to try a little olive oil tomorrow to see if it will help her.

Please let us know how Maria is doing. (((hugs))).

Love V xx
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Old 10-13-2013, 05:59 AM
  # 160 (permalink)  
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(((tod))) I hate hearing that Maria is sick. If it is a yeast problem, can you give her yogurt too? I hope she comes out of this. I know she is the center of your household<3

(((amy))) just because you are grieving, sweetie, does not mean this little one does not need your help, you know? follow your heart. it is a reliable loving guide. (((((:hug)))))
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