
Hen House Talk - All are Welcome, part 47!!

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Old 10-10-2013, 06:44 AM
  # 81 (permalink)  
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Right now I would sell my soul for a cup of coffee. Never mind, I take that back. I can just die for a cup of coffee right now. That don’t work for me ether. I wish to god I had a cup of coffee right now. Much better.

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Old 10-10-2013, 06:44 AM
  # 82 (permalink)  
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Chicory...well now, you look pretty seasoned on that little old broom,
so 1-2-3 Goooooooooooo!

Amy..sorry about your Uncle..

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Old 10-10-2013, 06:53 AM
  # 83 (permalink)  
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Why can't you have coffee Timebuster?
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Old 10-10-2013, 08:10 AM
  # 84 (permalink)  
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(((munchkin))) Sad to say, at the moment I don’t have the funds to buy coffee.

The reason I posted that post you read. I was sitting here in front of my laptop when out of nowhere I smelled fresh coffee brewing from my next door neighbor. I haven’t had a cup of coffee in month, and the smell of coffee put me in a trance. For a split second the thought came over me to go over to my neighbor and ask him for a cup of coffee.

Well, my neighbor is a nasty, grumpy, selfish old man. Doesn't care to much for his fellow neighbors. To ask him for a cup of coffee would be the equivalent to selling my soul. He would never make me forget it till the day I die.

So, I sit here in front of my laptop wishing the man upstairs hears my prayers. I wish to god I had a cup of coffee right now.

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Old 10-10-2013, 10:40 AM
  # 85 (permalink)  
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Darn, I wish you were closer, I'd give you a few cups of freshly roasted coffee beans. We've been stocking up on green unroasted beans so that when I'm unemployed (as I am right now! YIPEEE!) we would have lots of coffee and tea on hand. I'll put up a prayer that your coffee dreams get answered.
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Old 10-10-2013, 11:01 AM
  # 86 (permalink)  
RIP Maria
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Yes Munchkin! Our TB is in DIRE straights right now.

1. Botched knee replacement landed him w/o a job he'd had for years.
2. Drew UE for awhile - and survived
3. UE ran out and now he's trying to get on Welfare
4. Can't get to Welfare and do the 28 days program due to no money, no gas in truck
5. Also can't drive truck due to no insurance
6. Using a phone he has to pay for minutes on - no minutes to spare
7. So no calling for rides to take him places
8. Got eviction notice and has to move out of his RV on the 18th
9. He's lived in his RV in a campsite for seven+ years

Okay! This should sum up his grief in a nutshell. There are pages and pages of his story if you want to read back on them.

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Old 10-10-2013, 11:03 AM
  # 87 (permalink)  
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((((TB))))). Hugs, honey. I hope you're able to get a ride sorted so you can make your court date. I feel so helpless. I walked around my neighborhood on errands yesterday. it was rainy, more like spitting rain....Southern California style. I saw lots of homeless people. our poor country. Most of the folks I saw are obviously mentally ill. I hope you can get to your mail box.

I'm watching Bio Dome right now. LOL I believe I already confessed to a fondness for Pauly Shore. I bet if I'd had a child, he would be like Pauly. Yes, those are genes in my DNA. Which is why I didn't procreate. LOL. Way too scary.

((((Amy))) So very sorry to hear about your poor cousin. You know, this is what happened in my family. Everyone passed over in a matter of seven years. Now, here I am, the senior member. I used to be the baby!

Also dear Amy, I'm wondering if maybe you work out more as a sub from the registry, filling in for vacations and might be easier on you to not be so attached. Or working more in a physical rehab where folks are recovering their health. It a wonderful thing to have people to do hospice work but very very draining. I think. I had a friend who worked as an RN in an oncology practice. She had to leave as it was wearing on her soul. So, please, do good things for yourself. youve come so far, made so much progress. And it's been a long, hard slog for you. you deserve some good things. like your new car!

(((Lauren)))) Are you getting ready for Thanksgiving? And you too. ((((Krista))))?

((((chicory))) I do love to see Roxie, the Amazing Amazon Girl poking her head in on us! As I was walking around yesterday, I was looking at all the Halloween decorations and such around here. The bakery had some fun cupcakes and cookies, I thought of you and the grand kids and fun it would be at your house!

I am very sore and achy, still. Fibro myalgia is a punk of a malady. Sore throat. The funny thing is the hurty spots, like the one on the bottom of my foot this time. It just hurts. LOL. So stupid. And the tummy upset. Stupid and annoying. LOL Didn't stop me from eating some pineapple kugel I made last night. I also made a pretty lame soup.

Oh, was remembering some good books, if anyone is interested. it's that time of year for Fannie Flagg! I loved "A Red Bird Christmas.". Any of Fannies books are good. I like her recipes too.

((((VC))) and ((((norty))). And ((((yak))). (((((all the hens and roosters)))).

well, I'm too foggy to remember more. I have house work to do today unless I can figure away around it.

Much love,

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Old 10-10-2013, 11:09 AM
  # 88 (permalink)  
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Wow! TB, well I'll be sending up a prayer for ya.
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Old 10-10-2013, 11:17 AM
  # 89 (permalink)  
RIP Maria
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Forgot to say in my post!

I might also be w/o an income come the 1st of Nov! It's all over the news about the Veteran's not getting paid! As well as the surviving spouses and on down the line.

And it is TRULY a disgrace how the family members are being treated after their beloved soldier is killed in action. I'll say no more. It's in the news anyway. Draw your own opinions.

Lenina: Sorry to hear about your Fibro! Jethro is dealing with it too. I pretty much know you are hurting when he's hurting.

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Old 10-10-2013, 11:32 AM
  # 90 (permalink)  
RIP Maria
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Well now I KNOW it's getting bad!

Government goats laid off in shutdown- MSN Money

Off to town while I still have a few dollars.

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Old 10-10-2013, 11:36 AM
  # 91 (permalink)  
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Well, TOD, that's kind of why we've been "preparing"
got some reasons why I visit that coin dealer.
That being said, this whole deal is happening way too soon for our liking, we so badly want to get away from the East coast a whole heck of a lot faster than what we are. Makes us nervous as all hell. I'm so glad I'm sober to deal with it.
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Old 10-10-2013, 02:06 PM
  # 92 (permalink)  
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Lenina..we really don't do the big meal planning and what not any longer.
At times we do a share dinner with neighbors mostly at Christmas time.
We love the harvest part of it all as we are preserving..making all the nice
fresh and dried sausages..pork hocks smoked and of course good old bacon.
Cooking seems to be passe (sp) these days..we will do up a Sunday roast
with Yorkshire pudding this year. I went to find a small turkey..they wanted
3.49 a lb. a small one was Way over 30.00..Our prices here are high..I do
make a mean and delicious pumpkin pie though..right from the pureed Pumpkin
to the pie dish..

Oh TB I don't want to talk food as I know you are doing without..I wish you
could meet a crazy lady like me that would love to share..your neighbor sounds
like a barbarian.or else..he has had such disappointment in life that he has lost
his spirit of giving/sharing.

We have a lot of very depressed people here going without..the big thing
here at the moment is trying to get furnaces into re mediated homes
and as well winter clothing and boots/scarves/hats as so many lost all of it and
are still not in their homes. Domestic violence has escalated here with families
which really is a shame..people are still making mortgage payments, it is a sad

We are still giving to the food banks as they told me that they can make $1.00
work into $5.00 worth of food. We have had so many food drives here that stores
have pre made packages of the essentials. It is disturbing..

Tod..we have been reading here as well about the US Vets..times are distressing.

As munchkin said as well..we do rather store away like the squirrels,many have told
us they are coming to our house if all goes wrong..That is scarey!!

I didn't mean this to be so serious of a post..yet sometimes we have to face it
head on..I don't like feeling powerless for others.

Hugs to all that need it..

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Old 10-10-2013, 02:24 PM
  # 93 (permalink)  
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LOL Lauren, good to find another "squirrel"
We live in Maryland right now and we're preparing to move to Fairbanks Alaska. In about 2 months we'll be there. We leave within the next couple of weeks though. So nervous. If I was still drinking, I'd be drinking A LOT right now.
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Old 10-10-2013, 02:33 PM
  # 94 (permalink)  
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Munchkin..I still have pinto beans/mung/chickpeas/lentils from the millennium scare
that take absolutely forever to cook..I have to use the pressure pot to get them
soft..yet amazingly still tasty..People must think we are a little off..oh well..

Glad you are sober and real..from one squirrel to another..good harvesting..

Oh my must read our Norty's posts..she has amazing pics..which I'm sure
you have seen already..Is this a business move? Goodness..Alaska is so
least it sounds that way..

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Old 10-10-2013, 04:05 PM
  # 95 (permalink)  
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(((lenina))) Just keep a candle burning for me and keep me in your prayers. I hope you feel better soon. I hate to see you in so much pain and discomfort.

(((lauren))) Bam!!! You hit it on the nose. His got the features of a Barbarian and the look of Santa Claus, with a big belly, long white beard and

(((Amy))) Sorry to hear about your uncle. This year has been a rough one for all of us. Sending hugs and prayers to you and Dad. Lots of positive vibes to those with ailments.

(((TOD))) Those goats look awful skinny and bony to me. If the goats where laid off, could they collect unemployment or apply for weeds stamps…lol I like your list. I can add a for more to it, but we will leave it like that for now.

(((chicory))) I been meaning to ask you, how’s the truck running since to got it fix?

(((Venus))) Where are you dear friend. I haven’t seen you post in awhile. I hope everything is ok in your neck of the woods.

(((Munchkin))) Thank you for your offer and prayers. I can use all the prayers I can get right now.

Peanut butter sandwiches for dinner tonight. Yesterday as I was preparing to make bagel pizza, I cut the three bagels in half on the kitchen table. I went over to the sink to open the can of sppaigity sauce, when I turn around half a bagel was gone. I look underneath the kitchen table and there was Q claw hook onto the bagel. He give me such a cute guilty look I let him keep the bagel. He loves bread.

Its cold, damp and raining here all day. Its cold in the RV and everything feels damp. I had to put on a sweatshirt today that’s how cold I feel. I hope I don’t get sick.

Any Giants, Bears fans out there? The Giants are 0-5. This should be a fun game tonight.

Hugs to all
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Old 10-10-2013, 04:29 PM
  # 96 (permalink)  
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this is the last move of our retirement career. In fact I'm so excited guys! I just got our confirmation on the Alaska Marine highway!!!!!!
Lauren, DH & I are somewhat newer to the whole idea. We've always had things stored up but no where near where we are now. I keep a pretty impressive excel spreadsheet. TOD can tell you, I am a planner, I organize everything. LOL

TB, thinking of you. Hopefully things will turn around. Hug right back atcha.
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Old 10-10-2013, 05:06 PM
  # 97 (permalink)  
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Hello munchkin, so glad the move is exciting for you.
Amazing how different things can be in our lives without alcohol on board!!

Sorry TB love; I haven't felt up to posting much the past few days.
When it rains, it pours...and I have been reading all you are going through, and Amy, and so many here....and I didn't want to whinge.

The brief version is that I got injured at work, I couldn't work today, and now a client has cancelled future bookings as she lost her job.
(I know why, she is an alcoholic, and I guess she messed up too many times).

So money woes again, which sounds pathetic compared to what you are going through. (TB)

And I overestimated my ability to study at this point in sobriety.
I got my priorities all messed up; I need to be able to look after myself and little V before I can spend so many hours doing something else.

I need to find a better job, and have some financial security.

I have been to see the counsellor again, and had a good chat.
But I am not liking myself right now.

Love to all in the HH,

V xx
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Old 10-10-2013, 06:36 PM
  # 98 (permalink)  
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Well, I love you V. big hugs, and prayers.

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Old 10-10-2013, 06:55 PM
  # 99 (permalink)  
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((Venus)) - Just e-mailed you as I was a bit worried. Sorry for the money woes, and I do understand about studying and dealing with "life" - sometimes we do have to accept we're human and we can't do everything we want to. When I finally got really started in school, I had a few years of recovery and was working at McD's. I'd tried earlier and just wasn't ready.

((TB)) - I don't even drink coffee but wishing I could send you some, that along with a box full of food for you, Mama and Q. Had to laugh about Q and HIS bagel Still sending up lots of prayers for you.

((Munchkin) - YAY, if I end up with a job I need Excel for, I have you as another resource! Yes, I learned it in school and yes, I had to do projects on it and I can play around with it. However, it's not anything I use all the time and I'm pretty much at the "familiar with" level. I have a friend who has her life's history on Excel and I think it's cool

((Everyone else)) - Sorry, I know if I start typing out names, I'll forget someone and I don't do it intentionally.

For whatever reason, I went to work today in a good mood? Stayed that way most of the day. Mr. D didn't want to get out of bed, was VERY whiny when I made him get up (took me 45 minutes and he ate eggs and bacon at noon), slept and I was like a whirlwind of energy - dusting this and that, had to stop and take allergy meds.

Okay, so why am I like that at HIS house but not MINE? Don't know, don't even want to analyze it but it is what it is. Daughter came by, brought a crock pot, tenderloin pork, a roast (that she hid for me to cook on Sat.) and sounds like other helper won't be coming back. Daughter came in, yesterday, through the deck door and found Mr. D sitting in the kitchen alone, something on TV that he wouldn't watch, and other caregiver sitting on couch texting - didn't notice daughter in the house for more than 10 minutes. Not a good thing, especially when there is a "ding" from alarm system any time a door/window is opened.

Regardless, it was a great day until later afternoon. Dog acted like he was going to have a seizure, pretty manic. Mr. D was whining "but I'm HUNGRY" as dinner wasn't quite ready and he'd just eaten lunch 2 hours before. I gave him some watermelon, took the dog out, took a deep breath, and did a miniature gratitude list.

Got home, sm is asking all kinds of questions and telling me I can do this or that as far as car seat I'm getting BB for her b'day (what bratkin wants, and it will keep BB safe for more than 35+ pounds!). I seriously wanted to say "back off!!!!" She's in opiate chatty mood and what I do for BB's birthday is none of her concern.

I found out the stores the car seat is at (pink and zebra....sigh) and I will take care of ordering/paying for it tomorrow. I JUST found out about it last night, and this is NOT a life/death sort of thing. I texted bratkin, I will do what I said I will do (oh my, accountability!!) but it will be AFTER I pay bills and give dad some $$ toward what he loaned me from the car.

Good grief, a recovering crackhead/codie doing the next right thing. As Fandy would say, "who knew?"

Hugs and prayers,

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Old 10-10-2013, 07:08 PM
  # 100 (permalink)  
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(((((Amy)))). We knew.

much love and BBL.

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