
Hen House Talk - All are Welcome, part 47!!

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Old 10-07-2013, 02:46 AM
  # 41 (permalink)  
RIP Maria
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Have you ever heard of Foxfire? It is amazing. stories by real people, about old times. I love reading it. might find it online , actually. it might give you some ideas of what to get your dad to talk about. although I cannot imagine you without plenty of ideas of your own-lol

OH! NO YOU DIDN'T say this to me? Tell me it isn't sooooooooooo? What in the world would make you think I'd have LOTS to talk about? Did you forget I live with Mr Mouth himself? LOL

We did go see my parents this afternoon. I took my video camera too. I just reminded mom she needed to start making a video of the things she talks about in her house. She kept trying to get me to take it back home and I wouldn't. I also told her to get dad talking on it. So we'll see if the curiosity gets the better of her with it sitting in her living room charging!

I walked outside where dad and Jethro were smoking. I told dad why I brought the video camera and he agreed to tell us stories. He said I'd have to help him get started! Ahhhh My dad knows me well! LOL Then out of the blue? He says: "Well let me tell you this story". OH CRAP! I grab my iphone and set the recorder. And he's off and running. One story after another! My phone died due to not having enough space left to record on and I had to grab Jethro's to continue with. Thankfully! Dad said he was going in to warm up and needed to go pee! LOL I was hoping Jethro's phone wouldn't die on me too. The last 10 minutes. Mom came out and we got her to stand beside dad and had her answer some info for him. It was close to 11:00 PM by the time we left there. Way past their bed time. But we got some good info and stories from dad. Even some info that really shocked me. Mom even said after all that talking, he'll need his tank of air. And he did! But OH did he light up telling/reliving the past with us.

Dad said his brain scan was done to see if it's in his brain. If it is? He's doomed. There's no medicine out there that will help him in any way shape or form. He's hanging on to the prayer he can start the medicine and have several years to live.

We had to do a walmart trip when we left there. So we got that done, got subway subs to bring home for supper. After eating I took the two little girls outside to potty. It was close to 3:00 AM by then. Of course it's rained and it's 49 degrees. So I didn't figure we'd be out there long. Five minutes into the outting. A train starts blowing it's whistle. The coyotes crank up and it sounds like they are right outside the fence. CRAP! I grab Maria up and tuck her inside my warm coat. Magnum runs over to me and sits down right behind me. Not sure if it was to protect MOM or if MOM was supposed to protect HIM! LOL I then grabbed Molly up and back inside we go.

Jethro said he was going to bed! I unzipped my coat to look at Maria. She started pushing with her feet backwards, up into my shoulder area to stay covered up. So I pulled my coat off and wrapped her up in it. Handed her off to Jethro to hold then headed in to get their bed ready. Well low and behold? I had to change the sheets. So I get the bed stripped and grab the clean sheets. Get the bed made and Jethro sets Maria down on the bed, still wrapped up in my coat. He uncovered part of her and she tried her best to scoot backwards.

He comes back to the bed and lays down. She is NOT coming out of that warm coat. So I pick her up, take her around the bed and set her down in her usual spot. She still isn't coming out. So I uncover her and she just stands there talking. There was too much space between the warm coat and Jethro. So I move her right up beside him and THEN she comes out and crawls under the sheet to snuggle. If that little girl only knew how lucky she is?

My daughter sent me a text early this morning telling me her visit is a surprise for my parent's. Well it's a damn good thing she told me! Because I sure would have said something about her coming to visit them. She called me, "Gabby"!

Venus: How did your visit go today?

TB: Well it's nice to know I'm keeping your funny bone going at full speed! The Attorney you spoke with? Was it the Rossen group? Don't you lie to me either!

Okay! I have two crates to clean, coffee pots to get ready, Molly's couch bed made and then I'm taking a shower and passing out. I'm running on four hours of sleep. It's now 5:00 AM! Hope all this is correct in spelling. I'm too tired to go back over it!

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Old 10-07-2013, 02:52 AM
  # 42 (permalink)  
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Awesome post TOD.
In a rush...dinner is ready,,,way late for me to be eating.
My appt went really well

Love u lots,


V xx
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Old 10-07-2013, 03:54 AM
  # 43 (permalink)  
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(((amy))) hugs sweet. I hope today is better.

(((yak))) well, I think the shirt is a good idea! I panic when someone is behind me while I am unlocking/opening a door--weird, I know. I want my shirt to say "Back off" sort of like Yosimite

((( Venus))) love and hugs, you made my day! I bet you will get good grades, from all that study. maybe post little V's bedtime pic here? love it love it!

(((tod))) hugs hugs hugs.. so glad you got some good stuff from your dad. I bet it is very very healing for him to do that.

love to all. have the best day !
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Old 10-07-2013, 04:04 AM
  # 44 (permalink)  
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Posts: 90,201 is Venus, who decided to tuck herself into bed as soon I remade the bed with clean sheets the other day...she loves a nice fresh bed!!! ♥

Miss V all tucked.jpg

Love to all in the HH,

V xx
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Old 10-07-2013, 04:26 AM
  # 45 (permalink)  
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Oh my gosh, I can't stand it- she is sooo cute! I wish my Roxie would do that, but she lays by my feet.
(((Little Venus))) looks like my Solly , so much! Beautiful girl. I am so glad she is all better now, (((Venus)))!

gotta run, but had to see this! Thank you sweet (((venus)))

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Old 10-07-2013, 12:54 PM
  # 46 (permalink)  
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Though I was asleep and groggy, I got the most awesome gift early this morning - Venus called me She's REAL (not that I had any doubt), I heard her voice!! Okay, seriously, I was too sleepy and she apologized for getting the time difference wrong but it made me smile. Knowing I have phone numbers, e-mails, many of you on FB, etc. just makes me feel more secure. I will have to say, however, FB is conspiring against Norty and I finding each other.

Good morning with Mr. and Mrs P, Muffin the dog, and the house-cleaners. Had a nice talk with the lady (it's a younger couple) - they are from Brazil. She speaks better English but still very limited. I told Mrs. P that J and I had talked about Mr. D's animals, horses, her son loves horses, they lived on a farm in Brazil and she asked "how did you understand her?" Hmmm, didn't think about it, but guess I've been around a lot of people who speak other languages and I can understand "broken English" like they can understand my "broken Spanish"?

I am now legal, have a car tag and all Took forever, had a great time with the lil' mama behind me (had her 3-year-old, pregnant, has an 8-old and keeps kids in her house) as well as a lady more my age behind her, and we had a blast and her child was a very well-behaved young man (he'll be 4 on Thu.)

Didn't realize I had a choice between getting my county name for the tag or "In God We Trust" and for those who know me, you know which one I got.

Dad was home from his trip, sm is off with bratkin I guess, but the dog is here and I know she knows something's not right. Got nice card from the vet, cried again.

TB - My Falcons are having a lot of problems this year, lots of injuries (them AND the Braves) so who knows about tonight's game.

Mrs. P is worried about me, tells me I need a break "from Mr. D". Thing is, her hubby is quite easy and she has sons, grandsons, etc. to fill in if I couldn't be there and she had to do something. B doesn't have that with Mr. D. It's her, or hope to find someone from the agency.

Sorry I'm rambling, I'm still a bit scatterbrained. TOD - so glad you are getting your dad's voice on record. I've never thought to do it, wasn't prepared or whatever. I do know that when I had to make the decision to go see my uncle Dave while he was still alive, or wait until the funeral (when I could see the whole family), the family convinced me to wait.

I wrote him a letter, brought up all KINDS of memories I had of the times I spent with him and his family, and his wife (now has alzheimers) and the kids said my letter meant more than anything else I could do, and uncle Dave was still "with it" enough to laugh about some of the things I wrote.

Norty - I want to come to Alaska, but I just don't know how to handle snow. Pictures were awesome, I've known people who have lived there and visiting is on my bucket list.

TB - Agree on the facelifts of Kenny and Dolly, but do like the song and what it says about all of us. It's not just those of us who have been here a while, but everyone who reads and the new ones who have joined.

I'm going to shut up for now, as I feel like I'm jumping around. It's just the way my mind is thinking, sorry

Love you all!

Hugs and prayers,

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Old 10-07-2013, 02:57 PM
  # 47 (permalink)  
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(((Amy))) I understand the words clearly, new or old, at the end we stay old friends. Enjoy someone for the person they are is a great gift.

Wow, I forgot your Braves are in the playoffs too. You have nothing to worry about tonight, injuries and all the Falcons are the better team. I see the Falcons winning 38 to 21

When I least expected miracles happens, got some relief today. Sweet old lady from the campground who is struggling too knock on my door this morning. She was headed to the food banks and ask me if I needed to go to. She has beat up old car and drives like she is racing at the Daytona 500. Couple of time I had press on the make believe brakes on the passenger side . But we made it back in one piece. I got cans of spaghetti sauce, boxes of spaghetti, rice, can goods, peanut butter and white bread and a bag of bagels.Tonight I’m making spaghetti and sauce a la microwave. Q is happy I got bread, he loves bread.

I ran out of my heart medicine four days ago, I been having numbness in my left hand especially on my finger tips. I hope its temporary if it gets worse I see another emergency room visit in my future

That’s all for now .

Love ya
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Old 10-07-2013, 03:03 PM
  # 48 (permalink)  
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(((Venus))) Beautiful picture of little venus. I wish I still had my old laptop, I had hundreds of pictures of my babies on there. I have some pictures of my babies in picture frames on my wall. Give me a few minute to download them. Mama and Q snuggle up in bed.

Love ya
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Old 10-07-2013, 04:06 PM
  # 49 (permalink)  
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Not easy uploading pictures when you have the slowest WiFi in the world, but here they are.

Mama, nice and comfy posing for the camera.

Q, 9 weeks old. In this picture his back legs where still paralyzed. He would use his front claws to get up on to the bed.

This picture was taken two years ago. Mama and Q relaxing between daddy and my walker.

See how big Q is compare to Mama. But Mama is the boss around

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Old 10-07-2013, 04:55 PM
  # 50 (permalink)  
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At work, so just a quick one.
Gorgeous pics TB

Wish you could get your heart medication refilled.

Love V xx
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Old 10-07-2013, 05:00 PM
  # 51 (permalink)  
RIP Maria
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And who said MY dog had too many treats? I think I see a cat that's had one too many too!

I've been meaning to ask! How did you come up with those two names for them?

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Old 10-07-2013, 05:12 PM
  # 52 (permalink)  
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hi Hen housers. just a quick hello. I am sleepy, from the cooler weather I think. plus the fact that I had a busy day today.
so sleepy, cannot hold my eyes open.

love and hugs to all. my day started out great! and I tried to keep it that way i love fall.

sweet dreams, and prayers for all my dear friends,
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Old 10-07-2013, 11:52 PM
  # 53 (permalink)  
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I just lost my post so will not even try to do over..

It has been times I am the physical part of being a couple as hubby
is back into not well..we are setting up his studio for winter so he can paint is the least stressful thing that he can do for mental harmony. So I
am just a bit overtired as we also had to do placement of the snow blower..winter
shovels for easy access..and just make things a bit comfortable for when the blow
and snow comes along. We neither have family that can we do it slowly
to get all is important that we maintain our home and live here freely..

My best wishes and thoughts are with everyone..the pictures are uplifting and
I only have good thoughts for everyone to succeed and be where they need to be
as well.

Peace to all

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Old 10-08-2013, 03:45 AM
  # 54 (permalink)  
RIP Maria
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Woke up with a headache again! ARGH! I think it was due to I turned the heater on last night for the first time. Jethro never changed it back over to A/C when it got warmer outside. He was gone most of the day. So I woke up to a very warm house.

He got a call from the Insurance Company early, so it woke him up. The man that parked his truck on top of Jethro's front bumper called too. He just wanted to settle the case and not have to involve the insurance companies. So they agreed on an amount. Jethro picked the money up and then went to his friends body shop and can have the fender fixed for 1/2 of what he got. It buckled his front drivers' fender. When he opens the car door it grinds against it.

It turned into a "whose got the more training/experience" in one part of the conversation. LOL Of course Jethro beat him down with all his certificates and training. (The other guy works at a used car lot). Jethro threw in the fact he is I-car certified and used the factory specs to put the wrecked car back to the original specs and so he put the other man in his place with that! I have figured out! Most folks ARE NOT going to win when they go up against Jethro. He knows it all, certified for all and can do it all!

I'm still not caught up on my sleep and I'm feeling it. Just dragging! So I'm going to bed shortly.

I did want to tell y'all though. I saw the cutest thing after dark. I was in the tin pen with a flashlight to see if there was a red heat bulb in there I could use for Magnum. When I turned to walk out of the pen. I saw something fuzzy in a ball. It was curled up in the sheet that's hanging on the side of the fence. I tried to move the sheet down just an inch and it woke up. The picture is of what was in a curled up ball.

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Old 10-08-2013, 03:46 AM
  # 55 (permalink)  
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(((tb))) what lucky sweet babies they are. they look much loved! little Q has the sweetest face, and his story is quite amazing. One to share on Catster, or somewhere, to encourage others.

(((Lauren))) a good feeling huh, to be ready for action? Son and I cleaned out the outside storage closet yesterday. Garbage day today, and there is a pile of recyclables and trash. In my town, there are people who drive by and take stuff that is set out. I suspect that some ends up in thrift shops, or salvaged. We sat an old, working tv out there and within fifteen minutes son said someone had opened the back and took out the electronics of it!
Hope hubby feels better. I hope his painting is healing and productive for him this winter. I would love to see some of it, sometime! You are blessed to have each other.

big hugs and much love!!!
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Old 10-08-2013, 04:59 AM
  # 56 (permalink)  
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Mmmmm....don't that look so inviting....Go ahead have a slice.

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Old 10-08-2013, 05:49 AM
  # 57 (permalink)  
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My first thought TB was I hope this was a delivery to your house. I'm so sorry
that things are the way they are,being from Canada I just can't even suggest
anything that would help your situation.

I am so happy your little lady had the spirit of goodness in her to take you to the
food bank..wisdom of older folks is at times very profound and endearing..this lady
knows hardship and her heart was with you.. scary driving and all..

Hoping today brings you more miracles of human goodness and compassion..By the way
your kitties are beautiful..I can understand your feelings and love for them..

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Old 10-08-2013, 08:50 AM
  # 58 (permalink)  
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(((Amy))) Sorry about your Falcons. I was in shock and surprised when I seen the score this morning. Not a good week for sports in your neck of the woods. The Braves where eliminated from the playoffs. Did you watch the game last night. Was it close game as the score indicated?

Join a new forum today. Welfare forum. The hot topic of the day is, drug testing. As of May 16, 2012, at least 28 states put forth proposals in 2012 to require drug testing or screening for public assistance applicants or recipients. I hate to see kids punished for what their parents do.

I got a call from legal aid this morning. They need me to fax or bring the eviction summons and any pertaining documents by tomorrow at the court house by 10:00 am. How am I going to get to the court house tomorrow is yet to be seen.

I got a online quote from Geico today. By far the cheapest quote I have gotten to date, 76.00 dollars a month.

Here is a picture of me when my knees where strong and life was good. Ferry from NJ to Ocean City Maryland. Where I had a two week oceanfront timeshare with the x-wife we went to every summer and had a blast. When I got divorced I never renewed the timeshare. I miss the ferry rides and going there for the summer.

Hugs to all
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Old 10-08-2013, 09:28 AM
  # 59 (permalink)  
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TB..I'm happy to hear you have phone minutes again..thank you to the
phone minutes look quite dapper there young fellow!!
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Old 10-08-2013, 11:49 AM
  # 60 (permalink)  
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TB - I actually watched both games, flipping back and forth and if was a bad night for Atlanta. Loved the pics

I'm busy at Mr. D's but daughter did say she was giving me a raise

Love to all, will check back in later.

Hugs and prayers,

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