My Story-Indy

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Old 01-27-2011, 07:52 PM
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Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: kokomo
Posts: 73
My Story-Indy

A quick... What it was like, what happened, what it's like now, for the kind folks that welcomed me and those I've chatted with her at SR.
I grew up like most. Middle class, church, school, sports. My dad got killed in a car wreck my 8th grade year. His drunk ass against a bulldozer at a RR crossing. Life was free and fun! Concerts, cruising, pool halls and bowling allys Down hill fast from there. Expelled freshman year for a j of homegrown. Came back and almost graduated. Got jailed 30 days my senior year for a fight that was just a kick! Dudes mom called the cops. I had no record or priors. Went to Dallas for a year stayed with brother. Work, crank, and bars. Came back and did 30 days treatment center found NA and graduated from school. Went straight to army boot camp. That was a trip! Graduated AIT came home to the reserves. Lasted a few months and got geographical discharge. No jobs. Went went with moms in Louisville and stayed NA and had great recovery! Luv ya Louisville family! Did 4 years of higher ed. Go Cards! Broke up w/girl friend and went to jail on BS driving on suspended, did 4 months of a 1 year. Came back to hometown. Started career, had kids and their Fast forward 15 years. Kicked outta house by kids mom after coming back from a 4 day fishing trip. Forgot to tell her I was going. ouch. Restraining order! wtf! She only gave me a few pair of clothes and the breaking down dodge Neon. Oh bout forgot, I had a dog with me. A beautiful Australian cattle dog named Kirby. Well trained!. At the end of the fishing trip my buddy and his girlfriend got popped for public intox in the camp ground. Mad Mom drained my bank. Broke, hungry, weathered and hung over , Kirby and I went to the rescue mission in the next county. Nice place. Ran by the Masons I think(never know with that group lol). They had a store and soup kitchen.
I hit bottom. I got dried out and started AA again after 15 or years. Stayed there about 4 months. Went to meetings after work everyday. I was on a pretty good diet (for the mission). Finally got a good sleep schedule. Took vitamins, had a good diet and walked a lot. To the park, meetings, rode bike. Mission saved my ass and it was free! I offered to pay and the director/pastor said just recover and follow the rules. Great guy! My sons mom let me move back with the family after a few months. She was suspect of my sobriety. That was around two and half years ago. I'm chairing a Big Book meeting. Still go to 3 or 4 meetings a week. Life is 100% better.

Last edited by CarolD; 01-27-2011 at 11:59 PM. Reason: Corrected title as per Stories guideline
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