
Weekenders ~ Journey of Recovery, 21-24 June 2024

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Old 06-19-2024, 08:35 PM
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Weekenders ~ Journey of Recovery, 21-24 June 2024

Weekenders ~ Journey of Recovery, 21-24 June 2024

Travelling down the motorway I had gone through the journey many times in my head before I started. Stressing out about driving there and back.

The roundabout where I nearly miss my exit last time.

The slip road, I nearly missed too.

Watching I didn’t go over the speed limit.

Getting my head round my journey before I’d even started had me thinking about the journey of recovery we’re on.

I wanted to get to my destination before I had been on the journey. That was me, always in a hurry to get there. Speeding it up could land me in trouble. I’d had that experience at eight months sober. I’d thought I was fine to have a drink. I should’ve known better.

Then again I didn’t have the experience of travelling on this road with signs and signals helping me along the way, which help….As do our more travelled SR members.

When I started out on the sober road I wanted the anxieties and insecurities to be gone. I wanted peace from the AV in my head taunting me. I was in a rush to get to the finish.

On the road there were signs to help me get along the road safely and sound. It reminded me of the ‘more travelled’ SR members that help and guide us, sending warnings of upcoming pitfalls and ‘bumps in the road’.

I saw the cars in the fast lane speeding by and wondered if they’d missed the signs telling them of the up coming problems. I’d been in that fast lane at eight months. Didn’t I know it.

They had driven head on into any obstacles and ignored the signs. Did they know the road that well they could miss them? I hoped they could maneuver past them.

The relief when I arrived at my destination was great. I’d gone in my journey without any setbacks.

The next road and part of my journey may get easier. I’ll know what to look for. I’ll recognise the signs and be able to manoeuvre them hopefully, without too much trouble.

If I hadn’t started on the road of recovery or given up at the first signs of trouble, I wouldn’t realise what a good journey it can be with the right knowledge and help along the way.

If I hadn’t found SR (SoberRecovery) I would’ve fell at the first ‘bumps in the road’.

I will be here along with many others, all of us ex drunks and alcoholics. We are your scouts and can tell you what is on the trail ahead so you can be ready for any obstacles. I can tell you to come on! It is rocky and slippery but if you focus on where you place each step, you will have no trouble getting to where I am on the trail.

All of us can tell you where the potholes are, bumps in the road, and the slippery places, but we can't walk your path for you. We can only take joy as you succeed, and cheer, one and all!

If this is your first weekend sober, or many, come join us for support and we know the weekends can be a struggle sometimes. (We’re here all week too!)

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Old 06-19-2024, 08:56 PM
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Thanks for a wonderful OP Mags.
The path to sobriety can be a circuitous one. At least is has been for me. It requires so much work and effort. But the rewards are worth it.
I want to add more but I’m running out of stream. ❤️
Long day.
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Old 06-19-2024, 09:00 PM
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Hi Peke good to see you. Congratulations on shotgun. Hope you sleep well after your long day.

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Old 06-19-2024, 09:03 PM
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Thank you Mags

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Old 06-19-2024, 09:21 PM
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Hi Dee thanks for all you do on SR.

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Old 06-19-2024, 10:38 PM
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Here for day 351 ODAAT and the weekend
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Old 06-19-2024, 10:46 PM
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Originally Posted by Mags1 View Post
Hi Dee thanks for all you do on SR.

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Old 06-19-2024, 11:25 PM
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Hi DD congratulations on Day 351.

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Old 06-20-2024, 12:58 AM
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Thanks Mags. I'm IN for another sober weekend!
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Old 06-20-2024, 01:29 AM
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Very meaningful opening Mags1. I was on the road for 10 years earlier in life and took a wrong turn. Took 19 years to get back on the sobriety road. I can’t and won’t try to take the wrong turn again.

In for the weekend. Pledging for today. Day 626.
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Old 06-20-2024, 02:07 AM
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I'm in
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Old 06-20-2024, 02:27 AM
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I’m still learning about and practicing being in the present moment…..seems it’s an ongoing process!

Thanks Mags and friends

In for another recovery weekend
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Old 06-20-2024, 03:02 AM
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Congrats Dog and Runner on your milestones.
I appreciate what you wrote Purps. Being present in your life is key to enjoying it. There have been so many times where I’ve thought “I can’t wait until this day/event/milestone gets here”. When in reality I should be relishing the moment of time that I’m in. At hokey as it sounds, it’s the journey not the destination.

Trying to get two hours more of sleep, This darned insomnia is frustrating.
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Old 06-20-2024, 04:47 AM
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Thanks Mags. Sometimes I want to skip the journey, just fall into a coma for a year and have my brain recover.
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Old 06-20-2024, 06:19 AM
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Hiya Robbie

Hi Runner It’s so easy to do but can be so hard to get back on the road. Pleased you did. Congratulations on Day 626

Peke hope you managed to get back to sleep.


Hi freedomfries I can relate to what you say. I wanted the anxieties and cravings to pass and get the other side of it. I’ve found rushing it didn’t work for me. A step at a time does really get you there, even though it doesn’t feel like it sometimes.

My internet is back on. YaaaY.

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Old 06-20-2024, 06:21 AM
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And the sun is out!

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Old 06-20-2024, 06:49 AM
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Hi Mags

Count me in for another sober weekend

Happy summer solstice Weekenders!
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Old 06-20-2024, 06:55 AM
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Originally Posted by freedomfries View Post
Thanks Mags. Sometimes I want to skip the journey, just fall into a coma for a year and have my brain recover.
I understand this feeling, really I do. If only that were possible. You can do the recovery work though, really you can. Just baby steps, one thing at a time. Just keep doing the next right thing. When I was in early recovery, I tried not to think about the big picture. That felt like too much to deal with. I just focused on what was right in front of me at any given moment. And you know what - even now, at over nine years sober, I still have to do that sometimes. Life ain't a picnic, and when things get tough, that "one day at a time" stuff really works for all sorts of situations.
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Old 06-20-2024, 07:07 AM
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Originally Posted by Canadian Koala View Post
Hi Mags

Count me in for another sober weekend

Happy summer solstice Weekenders!
I only found out a few minutes ago that today is the summer solstice. I had thought it was tomorrow. So after tonight, the nights will start to cut in with the days getting shorter, though for the first couple of weeks it stays light until about the same time each night.

It's also the winter solstice for people living in the southern hemisphere, so their nights will go the opposite way, with more hours of daylight.
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Old 06-20-2024, 07:09 AM
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Yesterday was my birthday. I'm getting to the age that sometimes I forget how old I am. (61). I certainly don't feel that old most of the time. I care more about my sobriety birthday than my biological birthday anyway.

Had a lovely day. Took the day off work, and the man friend and I went to a large landscape arboretum an hour or so drive from here. Once again was reminded that I love roses, and want to get into the hobby of growing them after I retire. However, I was also reminded that I am allergic to them! So I can grow them, but not really have too many of them in the house. After that, we went and had an early dinner at a favorite Italian place. And he had flowers delivered to my house, which were waiting for me when I got home.

Back at work today, and I'll be filling out the application to retire early and take the little payout they have offered.
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