
Weight loss in early sobriety?

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Old 05-30-2017, 02:31 PM
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Weight loss in early sobriety?

I'm 16 days sober today and was wondering for those of you who lost weight how much did you lose and how long did it take you? I've started upping my daily water amount, I'm eating healthier and have also started excersizing. I have lost roughly 8lbs so far. (I didn't check right away so I'm going by the highest amount I've seen on the scale shortly before quitting). Seeing the changes is very motivating to me so I'm hoping to see how much others have lost and in what time frame and what they might have done to help lose even more other then just quitting drinking. Thank you.
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Old 05-30-2017, 02:38 PM
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I lost about 10 lbs. but, what really changed was the way my faced looked. My eyes are brighter, my skin is softer and more toned. I just feel happier and healthier!
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Old 05-30-2017, 05:21 PM
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My weight dropped 7 pounds or so, over the first few weeks. Mostly water but I wasn't overweight so losing the puffiness made such a noticeable difference. Like ChloeRose the change in my face was fantastic! I couldn't stop looking in the mirror and smiling!

Have you tried MyFitnessPal? Great phone app, site and forums.

Great job on your 16 days and the weight loss!
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Old 05-30-2017, 05:28 PM
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I've lost 50 pounds over the past six months. Been sober seven, but did a lot of eating those first few weeks.

I started by walking, then running. And by completely overhauling my diet. Like, a 180. The sobriety makes the changes easier, and the changes only help with the sobriety. Win/win.

Keep it up!
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Old 05-30-2017, 06:42 PM
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I lost 35 pounds over 6 months or so. No excercise, just cut the carbs from my diet.
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Old 05-30-2017, 06:57 PM
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After four months sober, I'm down almost 20 lbs. Some of this is due to cutting the empty alcohol calories, and obviously now that my late-night judgment isn't impaired, far less junk makes it into my mouth. For the most part I've cut carbs, and after an initial sugar fix, I've also backed off the sweet stuff.

With fewer body aches, I'm walking/jogging over 20 miles a week. And like ChloeRose said, the way your facial appearance improves is pretty cool
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Old 05-30-2017, 09:13 PM
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I eat pretty healthy but a bottle (plus) of wine a couple times a week were adding tons of calories. My waistline has slimmed some in a week.
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Old 05-31-2017, 12:38 AM
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just over 4 months sober. i was at about 250lbs when i stopped the booze, this morning i weighed 218lbs. i am walking more and generally more active as i don't feel like crap all the time, but i haven't significantly increased my exercise yet. getting to this point was pretty much just cutting alcohol out, but i still have a bit of a gut and that is gonna take some extra work. now that my body feels like it has healed somewhat and i feel healthier overall i am gonna start adding more regular cardio in, possibly some weights as well.

i've got some pics from last summer i plan on keeping for before/after comparisons. my passport photo was also taken last year, it will serve as a good reminder for another 9 years of why i don't drink anymore. the difference today is pretty substantial, and this is just the start.
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Old 05-31-2017, 05:04 AM
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I'm down 26 pounds in four months. Following Mayo Clinic nutrition/diet recommendations and trying to walk at least a half hour a day (finding time to move is by far my biggest challenge).
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Old 05-31-2017, 08:51 AM
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When I first stopped drinking I was surprised that I wasn't losing weight as quickly as I thought I would. Over the last few years I lost 40 lbs...and I was still drinking, so I thought that once I took alcohol out of my diet the weight would come off even quicker. Not the case...For the first month or so I ate whatever I wanted to my recovery was my main focus. I was working out regularly, but the sweets and carbs hindered any weight loss.

Within the last few weeks I've cut back on the sweets and carbs and the scales are slowly beginning to move in the right direction. The last time I weighed myself (over a week ago) I had lost 10lbs since I stopped drinking. It's not what I expected, but being sober and happy again is more important to me. If it takes me a bit longer to hit my weight goal, so be it.
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Old 05-31-2017, 02:20 PM
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Hi i'm about 6 and a half weeks sober and I've lost around 16 pounds...I could've lost Alot more if I did more exercise / ate better but I'm just too tired and been in too much pain with a little medical problem... also have a major sweet tooth in the evenings, love chocolate with my green tea lol. I'm about 3 stone overweight (80% I blame on alcohol) so I do hope I lose more, my metabolism is in the crapper so I'm hoping some exercise will help with that, when I can.
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Old 05-31-2017, 02:37 PM
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Sam, good job on 16 days sober! Feel free to join an SR fitness and nutrition thread where we all encourage each other on our path to overall fitness: physical, emotional and spiritual. It's in the Fitness and Nutrition section, a thread for each season presently called "Road to Summer" then it changes to "Road to Fall", etc.

As with ChloeRose and RascalWhiteOak, my face changed too. I went from a square face with puffy cheeks and dead eyes to a heart-shaped face with kind eyes.

Keep up the good work.
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Old 05-31-2017, 02:38 PM
  # 13 (permalink)  
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YESSS to less puffiness! Drinking so much made fat appear in weird places that it wasn't before, so cutting that out had some visible improvements after about a week. I stupidly thought that because I was drinking vodka, it wouldn't affect my weight/appearance. Sooo not the case... Alcohol does weird things to the way your body stores fat, so taking it out of the equation was dramatic for me. Woo hoo to healthier living!
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Old 06-01-2017, 07:12 PM
  # 14 (permalink)  
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Gained forty lbs. I'm not typical though because I had truly passed the drunk and munchie stage and was at "my body cannot eat without throwing up even water". It was nice post-hospital, but now it sucks.
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Old 06-01-2017, 08:01 PM
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I lost 43 pounds in about 10 months, and have managed to keep it off. I also combined sobriety with a focus on being healthy all around. Although I've been a little lax in the exercise department lately!
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