
I've decided to seek treatment. Question forum: Please help!

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Old 03-31-2016, 06:54 AM
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I've decided to seek treatment. Question forum: Please help!

First of all, I'd like to specifically thank the people who took the time to read this... I say this with a heavy heart, that i've decided to seek treatment. I have some questions that I need answered as well as support and encouragement.
Now i'm not going to explain my story but except as to summarize. If you care to know every detail, feel free to check out my previous post on here about my addiction to Tianeptine Sodium. Basically long story short, i'm tired of feeling so run down depressed, and alone while trying to wean down. I actually am at remotely high doses that I sadly take just to be somewhat productive and have energy. Tianeptine is so short acting and im tired of having to redose every couple of hours. I have decided to seek treatment but I have a couple of questions....
1. I think it's important to note that I do not know about rehab, so please do not laugh when I write my questions or requests.
2. I have found it to be nearly impossible to wean and am unfortunately (maintaining) for the time being.
3. Has anyone ever been to a luxury rehab or luxury detox center? I was interested in hearing your experiences.., I have heard that these places allow cell phone access, computer access, access to a gym, allowed to leave grounds. Is this true?
4. The substance that I am addicted to is an SSRE (Seretonin, re-uptake inhibitor) and a full opiate agonist. Tianeptine is a Tricyclic anti-depressant so it is an unusual thing to withdraw from. With that said, my question is this, will rehab give me the right medications that I need to withdraw safely and comfortably?
5. I'm interested in a upper scale facility/hospital to detox in. I dont want to be surrounded by people that are there because they HAVE to be or people that dont take it seriously. I want to be in a positive enviroment surrounded by others who want to get help as well as kind understanding compassionate nurses.
6. I have wanted off of this drug for awhile now, but because of the pain from going cold turkey and because of the horrible depression, its been too much to go cold turkey.
7. 5 grams a day is a bad habit (I know this, and I know what the theraputic dose is) With that being said would you recommend detoxing at a hospital and then going to outpatient etc? The problem is that I dont want to trade one addiction for another. I absolutely know im probably going to need a heavy dose and array of medications to go cold turkey from this amount. The goal is to not become a suboxone addict. This does not mean that I'm opposed to taking Suboxone while I detox.. I just don't want to take any medication once the withdrawl phase. Except maybe a stronger anti-depressant which I'll be talking to the psychiatrist.
7. Tianeptine is a short acting drug which means 4 hours after my last dose i'll be in withdrawls. The positive *if any* is withdrawls do not last as long. I dont want to stay any longer than until I am ok. Meaning a detox type idea with therapy might be a better idea for me.
I'll be calling my insurance company later basically explaining all of this.
8. PLEASE THIS POST IS FOR INSPIRATIONAL POSTS AND SHARING. If you have been to rehab/ detox, tell me what it was like? I'll pay more for an expensive facility....I just want to have as pleasant an experience as I can GRANTED THE PHYSICAL AND EMOTIONAL STATE THAT ILL BE IN.
Id really like to go somewhere that I can hang on to my cell phone and work out (try to). I've read that there are facilities like these (5 star hotel enviroment), has anyone ever been to a place like that? Please share your stories advice and anything else that will be helpful to me during this time. Please and thank you sincerely.
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Old 03-31-2016, 07:11 AM
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Do your best
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I fully endorse your decision in seeking help & no one here will laugh at you
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Old 03-31-2016, 07:15 AM
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Good luck with your treatment, glad you have that option to take.
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Old 03-31-2016, 07:21 AM
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I think treatment is a wise choice.

I went to a pretty high end treatment center. No cell phones. No computers. We had a gym. We were allowed off grounds passes after 2 weeks..someone had to sign us in and out (your counselor got the final say as to whether or not you could go off grounds), you had a time limit, you were quick-cupped and breathalyzed upon return. Still, there were some people there who did not want to be there - their parents had forced them, husband forced them etc. You can get sober regardless of what other people are doing though...

Detox is different than rehab. I detoxed for 5 days in the hospital before I went to rehab. Do not recommend detoxing in a treatment center. I saw people do that and it sucked for them. Treatment centers/Rehabs usually do not give you ativan etc. to help with the withdrawals.

I have no experience with suboxone. I was under the impression that sub is used to opiate withdrawal only. I do not think you would need it coming off the Tianeptine and, I would recommend against sub at all costs. Just suffer through withdrawal if you can. Loads of people get addicted to sub...really it is like trading one drug for another. Not worth it.
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Old 03-31-2016, 07:21 AM
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Have you tried calling rehab centres and asking questions? That's probably a good place to start.
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Old 03-31-2016, 07:24 AM
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Sounds like rehab is a great plan. Perhaps you can call your doctor as well for some recommendations. Also, there is a link for rehabs on SR, you can search for facilities in your area.

Good luck!
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Old 03-31-2016, 07:56 AM
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I'll link to a thread I started about my journey in rehab. I am not in a luxury centre (in Italy all healthcare is free of charge, you can pay for private services though) The only thing I opted for was a private room with a private bathroom and for that I have to pay for each night I stay. In the end it is a bargain. I can have my cell phone and my computer which was important to me. A lot of people here on SR recommended completely detaching from everything and I understand that and also think it is a good idea, but it was just a stress I could not handle. The thought of not speaking to my kids, the thought of not being able to check on any work emergencies (my work is all via computer and at home I remain online regularly to keep up with it, but here I try to check in only once a day and it has been just fine.)
I was TERRIFIED to come. I thought I would find totally down and out people who were forced to be here and hated it and wanted to escape but I have had nothing but a fantastic experience and am so glad I came. hang tight, I'll post the link. It's a long read but please read it all, I think throughout a lot of your questions will be answered. Oh, and you can definitely call the centre and ask questions. I called so many times before coming and they were always nothing but patient and kind, never annoyed by my repeated calls.
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Old 03-31-2016, 07:59 AM
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If you still have questions after reading this just ask, or if you prefer you can always PM me to ask in private. I would be more than happy to help. The good folks here at SR got me here to rehab, I never, ever would have ben able to take the leap without their constant encouragement, support and reminders of where my life was headed. Towards the end nearly everyone was recommending inpatient rehab and finally I took the plunge, I am so glad I did.
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Old 03-31-2016, 08:07 AM
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Oh and my rehab has a small gym. I was sure I'd be there the first day and workout every day (at home, no matter how hungover or even drunk, I never missed the gym and did mega heavy workouts with tons of weights) I've passed by the gym a time or two but have gone into straight relax mode. I take a walk in the park like area daily but I've just decided I'll need to start from scratch when I return. All the food here is quite good and I ask for half portions (not to diet, it is just too much food for me and I hate wasting food) so I don't think I am gaining any weight, but I've surely lost muscle tone. There's time for that later.
And I assure you, during detox not only will you have zero desire to workout you absolutely won't be able to and the doctors most certainly won't give you permission. For me detox was not painful or really traumatic, I was just drugged to the teeth for days. The first day I tried to get to the dining room and people had to come over and help me walk.
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Old 03-31-2016, 03:02 PM
  # 10 (permalink)  
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Hi Lucky, forgive my ignorance but I'm unclear as to which substance you're addicted to. Aren't SSRIs anti-depressants? And you said your other med was, too. I've not heard of anyone going to detox for those. At one point, I was on Effexor, which is an SSRI and while it took some time to wean off of it comfortably, I wasn't "addicted" to it in the sense that I craved it. The doctor gave me a dosage schedule to slowly cut down until I was off of the med.

But ok, you asked about rehab and I have experience with that. I was petrified to go and cried the whole way there!! I guess you could consider where I went to be semi-luxurious. I, too, wanted access to a computer and cell phone....but I didn't get that right away. (However, I could use the house phone during free time to call my kids and family.) After a couple weeks, they let me use my cell phone for about 15 minutes 2x a week. Some places have a more liberal stance with that, but most of the rehabs, at least here in the US, are somewhat restrictive with regard to internet access. We could leave the grounds if we were on an outing and accompanied by staff (the movies, dolphin cruise, putt putt golf, etc). After 2-3 weeks, we could leave Sat and Sunday for family visits. Of course, they checked your clothing and bags and you had to take a breathalyzer when you got back. The place I went to had some cardio machines and weights, but not a full-on gym. Before I left, they added a nice dock for fishing and started building a pool.

Look for somewhere that doesn't accept court-ordered rehab patients and has an age minimum -- at least 22 or 23. No matter where you go, there will always be people there that are just making an appearance to please a family member or such, but that doesn't mean you can't get a lot out of the program. I preferred a non 12-step approach and a center that encouraged positivity and empowerment.

Many places have a detox unit (mine did), be sure to ask when you call. Again, the rehab I went to was more holistic and they did NOT use Suboxone. We were given short-term medications to relieve withdrawal symptoms as well as vitamins/supplements as needed.

I know this sounds strange, but I really enjoyed rehab. I was able to focus just on myself and my issues. I felt safe, comforted and met a lot of great people, some whom I still keep in touch with. Feel free to message me if you want more info. Best of luck to you!
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Old 04-01-2016, 07:50 AM
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Originally Posted by uncorked View Post
Hi Lucky, forgive my ignorance but I'm unclear as to which substance you're addicted to. Aren't SSRIs anti-depressants? And you said your other med was, too. I've not heard of anyone going to detox for those. At one point, I was on Effexor, which is an SSRI and while it took some time to wean off of it comfortably, I wasn't "addicted" to it in the sense that I craved it. The doctor gave me a dosage schedule to slowly cut down until I was off of the med.

But ok, you asked about rehab and I have experience with that. I was petrified to go and cried the whole way there!! I guess you could consider where I went to be semi-luxurious. I, too, wanted access to a computer and cell phone....but I didn't get that right away. (However, I could use the house phone during free time to call my kids and family.) After a couple weeks, they let me use my cell phone for about 15 minutes 2x a week. Some places have a more liberal stance with that, but most of the rehabs, at least here in the US, are somewhat restrictive with regard to internet access. We could leave the grounds if we were on an outing and accompanied by staff (the movies, dolphin cruise, putt putt golf, etc). After 2-3 weeks, we could leave Sat and Sunday for family visits. Of course, they checked your clothing and bags and you had to take a breathalyzer when you got back. The place I went to had some cardio machines and weights, but not a full-on gym. Before I left, they added a nice dock for fishing and started building a pool.

Look for somewhere that doesn't accept court-ordered rehab patients and has an age minimum -- at least 22 or 23. No matter where you go, there will always be people there that are just making an appearance to please a family member or such, but that doesn't mean you can't get a lot out of the program. I preferred a non 12-step approach and a center that encouraged positivity and empowerment.

Many places have a detox unit (mine did), be sure to ask when you call. Again, the rehab I went to was more holistic and they did NOT use Suboxone. We were given short-term medications to relieve withdrawal symptoms as well as vitamins/supplements as needed.

I know this sounds strange, but I really enjoyed rehab. I was able to focus just on myself and my issues. I felt safe, comforted and met a lot of great people, some whom I still keep in touch with. Feel free to message me if you want more info. Best of luck to you!

Tianeptine is very unique. It's a full opiate agonist as well as a tricyclic anti depressant- an ssre (Seretonin Reuptake inhibitor). As far as rehab goes, i'm looking to go to a place where I can safely detox and then sign myself out after im feeling normal. Tianeptine withdrawls are generally over after 12 days... I plan on going to NA meetings and therapy afterwards.. with that said perhaps I should be looking into detox facilities. A pleasant experience is most important to me, so Ill pay extra to be allowed certain pleasures to me... my cell phone is important to me because I use audio books as a form of therapy. It cures my depression. I also use it to watch netflix, talk to the one woman who is my support system... texting her is important to me and something I will not sacrifice .
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Old 04-01-2016, 09:36 AM
  # 12 (permalink)  
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Hi Lucky, thanks for the info about tianeptine. Yes, sounds like detox is what you need, not rehab. Many hospitals offer detox, check into that. I'm sure there are stand-alone detox places, too. Good luck in whatever you choose.
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Old 04-24-2016, 12:28 PM
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How have you been Irish? Any luck with finding a rehab facility? Or have you been able to get off that crap on our own? Good luck either way!!!!
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