
Over 50 / Newly Sober - anyone else?

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Old 09-27-2014, 09:50 AM
  # 81 (permalink)  
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Originally Posted by Zebra1275 View Post
I'm 58 and quit drinking at 53 after years of drinking every night.

If I didn't know how old I was, I would guess I'm about 45. I'm exercise daily and my #'s (blood pressure, cholesterol, etc.) have all moved significantly in a positive direction.

I had my annual physical last month and my Dr.'s advice to me was to "cut down on my carbs if I can." I'm a 58 year old alcoholic and people my age are starting to die of cancer and heart attacks and the best advice my Dr. can give me is to cut down on my carbs! I'm one lucky dude!

Mt point is, if I can physically recover and feel like a much younger man, so can you!
Great HOPE for all!!!
Thanks for the post,

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Old 09-27-2014, 11:29 AM
  # 82 (permalink)  
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I'm 54. Haven't had a glass of wine (or a bottle or three) since September 12. Still have cravings but feeling SO MUCH BETTER every day. I want to enjoy this time in my life-not drift through it in a haze of alcohol. Wine is portrayed as such a "classy" drink unless you drink it like I do. I get FAR from classy.
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Old 09-27-2014, 11:33 AM
  # 83 (permalink)  
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sobered up at around 57 this time
been 6 years sober
have finally found out that it is a great way in which to live

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Old 09-27-2014, 11:52 AM
  # 84 (permalink)  
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I stopped drinking thirteen months ago at age 54. After 34 years of daily drinking I had constant pain in my abdomen and each day was a struggle.
Thirteen months later I've lost 60 pounds and run daily instead of drink. Sober for the first time since college, each day is a new experience for me and my family. Life is good.
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Old 09-27-2014, 12:44 PM
  # 85 (permalink)  
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I'm 76. I was a teetotaler from age 41 to age 72. I started drinking again because of a family health crisis (thought I'd put my drinking problem behind me) and over a few years my drinking escalated. I quit again for good last November and am glad I did. No health problems or other typical drinking issues (DUI's etc.). I'm lucky!
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Old 09-27-2014, 01:45 PM
  # 86 (permalink)  
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Originally Posted by Cascabel View Post
I'm 76. I was a teetotaler from age 41 to age 72. I started drinking again because of a family health crisis (thought I'd put my drinking problem behind me) and over a few years my drinking escalated. I quit again for good last November and am glad I did. No health problems or other typical drinking issues (DUI's etc.). I'm lucky!
That is great to hear, highly laudable!

It's never ever too late to improve the quality of our lives. Thanks Cascabel for sharing this = hope for all!
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Old 10-03-2014, 03:17 AM
  # 87 (permalink)  
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I'm 60. Sober almost 2 weeks now. Drank from 20 to 60 but it didn't really get heavy until the last few years. My volume of consumption slowly increased over time and developed into a serious problem. Looking back, there were many many signs that I ignored.
The one thing I regret is not recognizing I had a problem and getting sober much earlier in life. So much time was wasted.
Having said that, I'm feeling good and am able to fight off the cravings. The relationship between myself and my wife has improved dramatically. We are on vacation and she told me this is the first stress free week she's had in a long time. I'm not her only stress trigger but I'm glad I could give her this gift. I'm looking forward to being present in life from 60 forward!
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Old 10-03-2014, 05:55 AM
  # 88 (permalink)  
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Wow, wonderful post.. I'm proud of you all for recognizing the problem and doing something about it! I'm 54, drink occasionally but not often. As I stated in my thread, it took me this long in my life to realize that I had an addiction/co-dependency. I think it takes some years, some life being lived that helps us with not just realizing but really wanting to make the changes that will impact our lives for the better.
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Old 10-03-2014, 06:09 AM
  # 89 (permalink)  
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Quit drinking at 60 - almost 3 years ago. Drank alcoholically for 10 years. Wish I had quit sooner but loving sobriety.
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Old 10-03-2014, 07:13 AM
  # 90 (permalink)  
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I will be 57 in November. Started drinking heavily after my sister died on 9/11 and increased from there. Too long. I have read quite a few articles about women in their 40s and 50s turning to alcohol. Not "mother's little helper" anymore!

But, very young at heart. And I guess I still look relatively young. About a month ago I was carded when I tried to buy vodka. I said the clerk, "come on! Do I look under 21?" And she says they have to card people who look 35 and younger. I'll take it!!!!
Of course, I was wearing my sunglasses so that may have helped. LOL!
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Old 10-03-2014, 07:24 AM
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They carded me even without sunglasses or a burqa. I think it was their policy to card EVERYBODY. One day someone called me "Miss," though, and I was pretty stoked.

I am 54 and quit 10 months ago. My drinking happened after I tuned 40--a mid-life boredom thing. Now I'm in school again, I socialize with a group of ladies from church, I have re-engaged with my family, and I use SR throughout the day for support, encouragement, and entertainment.

It is so nice to feel life again and not be locked into oblivion because there's no other choice.
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Old 10-03-2014, 07:28 AM
  # 92 (permalink)  
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Originally Posted by goose333 View Post

The relationship between myself and my wife has improved dramatically.
A Happy Queen makes for a Happy King

My Queen was not happy towards the end of my drinking

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Old 10-03-2014, 07:28 AM
  # 93 (permalink)  
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I turn 51 next weekend, day 5 of sobriety today-- after having nailed 12 days in mid-September. Live and learn. Glad to be sorting things out now, before the kid goes off to college next year. She'll have memories of her mom NOT drinking all the time!
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Old 10-03-2014, 07:33 AM
  # 94 (permalink)  
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I'm new here, 64, and 4 days sober - I don't believe it's ever too late to quit
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Old 10-03-2014, 07:37 AM
  # 95 (permalink)  
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I quit drinking 14 months ago, as I stood on the doorstep of 50. I wasn't happy with the number. I don't feel 50. I don't like being on the downhill side of life. And I sure didn't appreciate receiving the AARP card in the mail. The only thing more irritating than the prospect of turning 50 was the prospect of being a 50 year old drunk.

People sometimes say "He looks pretty good for 50". They rarely say "He looks pretty good for being a 50-year-old-drunk."

I knew I couldn't stop time. But I could stop drinking. And it helps ease the irritation of my advancing age. Oh, and I am taking full advantage of my AARP discounts when I travel.
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Old 10-04-2014, 05:29 AM
  # 96 (permalink)  
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Originally Posted by goose333 View Post
I'm 60. Sober almost 2 weeks now. Drank from 20 to 60 but it didn't really get heavy until the last few years. My volume of consumption slowly increased over time and developed into a serious problem. Looking back, there were many many signs that I ignored.
The one thing I regret is not recognizing I had a problem and getting sober much earlier in life. So much time was wasted.
Having said that, I'm feeling good and am able to fight off the cravings. The relationship between myself and my wife has improved dramatically. We are on vacation and she told me this is the first stress free week she's had in a long time. I'm not her only stress trigger but I'm glad I could give her this gift. I'm looking forward to being present in life from 60 forward!
Great posts yesterday - this included Goose!

Regret is such a common theme with us who have made a decision maybe a little later in life. I deal with it as well, but even at 118 days now - not as much.

Heard someone state that if we regret the past (yesterday) and fear tomorrow we loose TODAY!

Recently in our smallish community 3 young teens died in a car. Very tragic and touches a lot of us.

One of the lessons we see in these events is today is all anyone has. I am damn glad I have it as I know friends on SR feel this way too!!!

Let us all put on our bifocals to read these post and celebrate = IT's never too late to make changes!!!!!
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Old 01-07-2015, 03:23 PM
  # 97 (permalink)  
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Bumped for some new folks who posted here -

Welcome oldie but goodies~!
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Old 01-07-2015, 03:34 PM
  # 98 (permalink)  
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Originally Posted by Flynbuy View Post
Bumped for some new folks who posted here -

Welcome oldie but goodies~!
Thanks for the bump.

Closer to 57 than 56 so I'm comfortably "over".
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Old 01-07-2015, 03:53 PM
  # 99 (permalink)  
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Originally Posted by Gonnachange View Post
Thanks for the bump.

Closer to 57 than 56 so I'm comfortably "over".
You betcha!

I quit is June of last year ( wow, that sound nice that we've rolled into another year

I was focused on the tooooo late issue, wasted time etc. I have started to embrace this season of life now though, and am so glad I am sober. Brain has cleared mostly - took about 6 months, but things look brighter each day.

Regardless of age, I have found we simply make the most of each day and slowly loose the regrets of the past -making amends where possible.
I did learn from others that being sober and in the present/not there but distant with loved ones are truly living amends.

Maybe we can develop a thread that focuses on issue of getting older.....When I started this awhile back it seemed to have a fair amount of interest.

Any thoughts, more than welcome

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Old 01-07-2015, 03:57 PM
  # 100 (permalink)  
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Thanks for the bump Flynbuy.

I'm a few months shy of 53. I'm glad to be sober and not have to face drinking and all of the baggage that goes with it in my golden years. I'm done with drinking for good.
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