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Old 08-24-2014, 01:52 PM
  # 1 (permalink)  
A simple guy making his way
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Weasel1966's Avatar
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Close your eyes… Isolation is nothing like that.

Open them again… Isolation is nothing like that.

This time, when you close your eyes… feel the world around you envelop you. You feel this light touch softly on the palm of your hand… It tickles… It's playful… You smile. You can’t help but smile because you feel like you belong. Someone or something not only sees you but knows you're there enough to reach out and want to make you feel.

Move on from there… To where you are in a busy town center. Those around you moving quickly. You move out of the way to let others pass on their important paths. You feel a soft warm breeze from them as they pass. Your eyes meet but offer nothing in return. Even children are not inquisitive to your presence and simply look away.

Weeks go by and those you do know never inquire. Never ask. Never pose a single question past the rhetorical niceties. You reply in kind and ask the same.

Is alcohol powerful enough to strip you of any sense of belonging? Any sense of identity?

Can it make it so when others see you they look past you to something, seemingly, more insignificant?

Can we lose touch with that much of our own humanity from years of putting faith in what a drink promised that even we can't see ourselves?

Yes. It can.

You’re taken aback by your own insignificance that you pause. Glance over at the mirror behind the bar at the person standing just behind you. They smile. They know you. You knew them. They ask where have you been? You shrug.

You are lead by the hand and you sit in a place where now it's the complete opposite. A semi circle of others that ask about you. They smile and ask again and again until you finally fess up. Speak of that soft touch on the palm of your hand almost forgotten. You speak of the child that looked through you. You just finally speak.

And you are not alone.

Isolation…. It's something like that.
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Old 08-24-2014, 02:04 PM
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PurpleKnight's Avatar
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Sometimes we can be constantly around people and still be very alone in this world!!

Nice post Ken!!
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Old 08-24-2014, 05:38 PM
  # 3 (permalink)  
A simple guy making his way
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Weasel1966's Avatar
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Thanks PK... a was a little rushed apparently and misspelled the title! Oh well.

Learning to manage isolation is a key coping skill. Probably my biggest challenge. But there are many ways to go about it if I try. I am getting there.
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Old 08-25-2014, 11:54 PM
  # 4 (permalink)  
Do your best
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Thank you I know what's it like too you are never going to be alone again for we are here
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