
I finally did it!

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Old 05-14-2010, 06:48 PM
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Thumbs up I finally did it!

Hi everyone,

I did it!!

I went to my first AA meeting last week. I am very proud of myself. I was so scared to tell my parents, but, they were so supportive and happy for me! I can't tell you how much relief I feel. I am still drinking but the fact that I made the first step is so very powerful to me. It's a start.

I have not really posted here much as I really am a lurker. I feel for each and everyone of you whom are struggling with this horrible addiction. Even though I don't post on your threads, I think of you all daily.

Back to the AA meeting. I'm not sure what to think about it. It feels a little weird saying your name and then greeting everyone. You get what I mean? "Hi so-n-so" type of thing every time someone says their name. Anywhooo.. I was crying the whole time listening to everyone's story. I felt like I could of said the same thing or their story was so much like mine. The man sitting next to me handed his handkerchief to me to cry on. I got mascara all over it! What a nice guy! Everyone was so nice, though. They did pass around a "money basket" thingy. Does anyone know what that money goes towards? Coffee, snacks..etc.? Just wondering.

Not sure if AA is for me but I know that drinking is NOT for me. Of course, I will go again and listen. Gosh.. I feel like I'm just babbling on.. Thank you all so much for listening.
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Old 05-14-2010, 06:53 PM
  # 2 (permalink)  
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Welcome. I'm glad you decided to stop lurking!

Knowing that you have a problem is huge. Keep thinking that....and keep reading.
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Old 05-14-2010, 07:13 PM
  # 3 (permalink)  
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Welcome! I am so happy you went to the meeting even if you are still drinking, its OK just keep going you already feel a connection there, so go.
The $ goes towards the free litterare they print up and you can take at the meeting that are free of charge to all alcoholics or anyone interested, their books for members, which are REALLY inexpensive and they do that dsso no one doesnt end up without a book tyhey may want b.c they dont have the money so it contributed towards that too, it goes towards, the key chain or chips you saw them give out at the end of the meeting, and on a larger scale it goes towards holding regional meetings and conferences (held at hotels for example where there is a fee to rent the space) It also goes towards the coffee yes, and also regionally towards retreats that are sometimes held like the conferences so that all alcoholics can come together for free ir for a very small fee so no one is excluded b/c of their income level.
I may be missing some things here, I got o AA but I am quite sure its the same for AA too.
Every little thing you se in there to due with AA has to be printed or purchased from somewhere so thats why they need the donations so that the group can be self suffeciant and remain annonomous and not have to try to get large funding from companies or the government b.c then they woudlnt be self sufficient and would be in effect run by the govt. and thats the last place we need the Govt. interfearing if you know what I mean.
Welcome,read a lot and post here this is the best site ever for people in need of help with all typoes of addicitons, and no one here judges and besides giving or asking for medicall advice you can say WHATEVER is on your mind without wondering if you will be being judged. That doesnt happen here, everone offers opinions if you ask for it, but the main this is the non stop support you get from SR. The people here REALLY care and you cant fnd that anywhere!
I lov SR I hope youll stick around its a nice adjunct to AA meetings b/c its here and open and ther eare always epolpe on from all around the world at any given time of the day, holidays, weekends, late nights, 25/8 HAHA there always someone hear to listen. Its helped me soooo much!
Good luck hang in there....<3 Dream
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Old 05-14-2010, 07:31 PM
  # 4 (permalink)  
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Originally Posted by Dream2bClean View Post
Welcome! I am so happy you went to the meeting even if you are still drinking, its OK just keep going you already feel a connection there, so go.
The $ goes towards the free litterare they print up and you can take at the meeting that are free of charge to all alcoholics or anyone interested, their books for members, which are REALLY inexpensive and they do that dsso no one doesnt end up without a book tyhey may want b.c they dont have the money so it contributed towards that too, it goes towards, the key chain or chips you saw them give out at the end of the meeting, and on a larger scale it goes towards holding regional meetings and conferences (held at hotels for example where there is a fee to rent the space) It also goes towards the coffee yes, and also regionally towards retreats that are sometimes held like the conferences so that all alcoholics can come together for free ir for a very small fee so no one is excluded b/c of their income level.
I may be missing some things here, I got o AA but I am quite sure its the same for AA too.
Every little thing you se in there to due with AA has to be printed or purchased from somewhere so thats why they need the donations so that the group can be self suffeciant and remain annonomous and not have to try to get large funding from companies or the government b.c then they woudlnt be self sufficient and would be in effect run by the govt. and thats the last place we need the Govt. interfearing if you know what I mean.
Welcome,read a lot and post here this is the best site ever for people in need of help with all typoes of addicitons, and no one here judges and besides giving or asking for medicall advice you can say WHATEVER is on your mind without wondering if you will be being judged. That doesnt happen here, everone offers opinions if you ask for it, but the main this is the non stop support you get from SR. The people here REALLY care and you cant fnd that anywhere!
I lov SR I hope youll stick around its a nice adjunct to AA meetings b/c its here and open and ther eare always epolpe on from all around the world at any given time of the day, holidays, weekends, late nights, 25/8 HAHA there always someone hear to listen. Its helped me soooo much!
Good luck hang in there....<3 Dream
Thank you both for replying and everyone for reading.

Thank you also for clarifying the money issue thing.

I put money in the basket not knowing but kinda felt something/obligated to do so. No harm done, maybe I helped someone get a book or something? I love this site because everyone offers true and honest advice...even when it might's the truth. We/I need to hear it. I will for surely stick around. I need the support/friendship/encouragement and everything else that you all have to offer. I will try my best to be there for you all too.
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Old 05-14-2010, 08:06 PM
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Hi Mariah,
I'm glad you went - I hope it really is the first step for you

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Old 05-15-2010, 02:39 AM
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You dont have to felel obgligated to leave anything especially a newcomer, on a few occosions oldtimes (when I went o NA years ago) saw me getting $ out and told me not to worry about it and they contributed for me which was really a nice gesture, b.c at the time I was making a lot of $ before the whole "economy thing: but I accepted b/c I could tell these people wnated to show how welcome i was there and it was nice.
Generally a buck is about the standard, I could be wrong as I jsut wne back but Im pretty cure thats still the max epople put in b.c sometime especially in the beginning peole are hitting 2 meeing a day for 90 day or longer do it adds up especailly if you want literature etc, regatdless the buck a meeting is ALWAYS cheaper hen what you alcohol or drugs wouold be for the day,
Good luck I hope you go back.
<3 Dream
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Old 05-21-2010, 12:51 AM
  # 7 (permalink)  
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I've been sober for almost 5 days now!!! *****ooooooo
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Old 05-21-2010, 01:29 AM
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Originally Posted by MariahG View Post
I've been sober for almost 5 days now!!! *****ooooooo
Fantastic news MG :day6
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Old 05-21-2010, 01:30 AM
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Thank you sooo much! It means a lot! hugs!
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Old 05-21-2010, 01:32 AM
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All I have to say is who rocks? *points to you" You rock!
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Old 05-21-2010, 01:35 AM
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Originally Posted by Bard View Post
All I have to say is who rocks? *points to you" You rock!
You rock as well!!! Thank you for being so nice!!

Although, I can't lie, I'm having a hard time right now.

I want to use..(alcohol) I'm sooo close to losing my sobriety..
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Old 05-21-2010, 01:41 AM
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Don't let go!!

I was feeling a few urges earlier myself but I had to force it out of my mind by saying that it is not or will ever be again a option!
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Old 05-21-2010, 01:43 AM
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I know it's so much easier said than done... UGHHH this is sooooo hard to fight..
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Old 05-21-2010, 01:48 AM
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Might need to get up and find something to do. Try some exercise or do some house work. If you have a dog take them for a walk. Try anything but picking up that drink. It's only a world of hurt and regret waiting for you there.
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Old 05-21-2010, 01:51 AM
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Don't have dogs, but, I have three kids. I will be getting the two older ones up soon for school and then will have my 3 year old here. I will take her to the park! Good idea! I'm going to get out of the house and do that!
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Old 05-21-2010, 01:54 AM
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There you go. Think of all the quality time you can spend with your youngest one today. Seems a lot more better then the alternative! :ghug3
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Old 05-21-2010, 01:58 AM
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Bard-- Really appreciate the support!
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