
I know I should quit, but know know if I want to

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Old 05-24-2007, 03:45 PM
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I know I should quit, but know know if I want to

I know I drink way too much. I should quit. I should.
When I haven't been drinking, I get so bored. But when I drink and play around with my hobbies, I get too drunk to enjoy them. I've tried controlled drinking (failed), I've been to AA (failed, and I was the GSR, grapevine rep, H&I rep). I'd appreciate any advice I can get.

I've been on this forum a few times at work, but now I've finally gotten the Internet at home (dial-up, but it's all I can afford.)

I need help, but I'm not sure where to turn.

Bald-Headed John
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Old 05-24-2007, 04:27 PM
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IO Storm
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Remeber what AA taught you John...

It is a fantasy we all have..oh if we could drink like other (men) we would.

And out hats are off to any man that can!

The fantasy to enjoy our drinking again....yet you know you have crossed that

invisible line probably long ago.

I did the same thing..into AA full guns and somewhere down the line denial crept

in and said.."Ahh you're just anxious"...another time..."you're just codependent"

"you belong in Alanon..not with the drunks!"

6 relapses..the fifth time I couldn't finish a movie...the 6th time I passed out after

6 beers and got liver disease...I had to drink a beer and throw it up so I could

really get down to business and finish a 12 pack...on and on.

You know what to do John...get back to the rooms...they will love you.

I love you and know exactly what you are going through. It is a miserable

state to be in drinking with all that recovery inside of you.

If I could, I'd jump out of your PC and wrap you in a big hug.

The questions are..are you done with denial?

Are you ready to recover?

Do you want to?



You know
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Old 05-24-2007, 04:31 PM
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Come here everyday if you will.There is so much support...All i can tell you, is that i don't know anyone happy and drunk or high.I can tell you the only way is sobriety. I am not an alkie but i know people here recommend the big book.And something else, don't let things get to a rock bottom moment, it only gets worse.The sooner the recovery, the better. This doesn't mean we aren't fallible, it means we get stronger....

all i can tell you by experience is that now is the time!
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Old 05-24-2007, 05:11 PM
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get it, give it, grow in it
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You know what to do - have the courage and perseverance to do it. Just for today surely you can do anything one day at a time. Do you have health insur. that will pay for outpatient treatment?
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Old 05-24-2007, 05:54 PM
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Hi John,

I understand how you feel. Alcohol was messing up everything in my life too and I tried to control it. It never worked.

The thing I would say is that it's really hard to stop drinking and stay sober. And, you really need to want it. It takes a lot of motivation. I hope you take a look around and keep reading and posting. There is lots of support here.
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Old 05-25-2007, 04:12 AM
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Thanks to you all. Maybe I can dry out over the the long weekend and get to meeting Sunday nite (maybe Saturday if mom picks the boys up early enough).

I promised them a movie or something Saturday. I can usually stay sober at least until after dinner.

Thanks again.

I'm glad I found this forum. Been lurking around for a while, I know I'm not alone.

Take care fellas (and gals).
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Old 05-25-2007, 04:20 AM
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You're definately not alone and we are open 24/7 so there's usually someone one to chat with or just vent. Welcome to SR.

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Old 05-25-2007, 04:20 AM
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Welcome John...the long weekend thing sounds like a good idea...I used Easter for my 'run-up' into sobriety...

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Old 05-25-2007, 04:27 AM
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everything is already ok
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Hi John welcome to SR, I hope you stick around
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Old 05-25-2007, 04:38 AM
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blady, welcome to SR, and a shot at drinking like a gentlemen...

i couldnt...

I know I drink way too much. I should quit. I should.
should??? how bout want too?

john, now that your not lurking anymore...

welcome to the family...

all good wishes baldy...

xxoo, rz
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Old 05-25-2007, 05:29 AM
  # 11 (permalink)  
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Hi John,

I'm so glad you decided to start posting. So much love and support here.

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Old 05-25-2007, 07:50 AM
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I didn't stop drinking or using becuase I wanted to...I had to.

It gets to that piont sooner or later, oneway or the other.
Pay now or pay later.

The only question much was I willing to suffer or loose before I had to.
Ya see...I never lacked willingness
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Old 05-25-2007, 09:23 AM
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The doors of AA will always be open to you if you ever thought any of it, or any of us, made any sense whatsoever.

I have seen lots of people struggle with sobriety for years, in and out of the rooms, and finally it was time. It stuck.

I hope it is this time for you.

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