
180 Day Challenge Part 8

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Old 06-22-2023, 05:11 PM
  # 461 (permalink)  
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I’ve written GREAT POSTS that sometimes swirl around and never get posted, or sometimes I accidentally post three duplicates. It’s all good.

makes life exciting 😁
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Old 06-23-2023, 06:35 AM
  # 462 (permalink)  
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Mother Nature is pushing the corn and soybeans to the brink due to lack of rain. As the #2 state in corn production and #1 state in soybean production rain this week- end is important.
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Old 06-23-2023, 10:01 AM
  # 463 (permalink)  
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Originally Posted by dickensen View Post
Mother Nature is pushing the corn and soybeans to the brink due to lack of rain. As the #2 state in corn production and #1 state in soybean production rain this week- end is important.
Sorry to hear that, Dickensen. Out here in the west, we are very familiar with drought. I went to the US Drought Monitor site and it looks like you have pretty decent odds of precipitation in the next 6-10 days. I sincerely hope you get it, and it is steady.

I have a lot on my plate the next few days as I am off to Northern Calif on a road trip Monday. Still undecided as to car or bike, but due to our own extreme heat in the western US of 110F (40C) predicted for the next week or so, will probably take the car - for the AC, and comfort. Although my primary destination of Lake Tahoe sits at 7000' elevation and will be pleasant with cool nights - getting there is the issue, lol - it is 2 full days of driving. I have been through Las Vegas in 112 deg heat on a motorcycle before and it was not a pleasant experience.

My knees are feeling better - slow and steady improvement. Last e-bike ride a couple days ago was 21 miles, and while they were a bit dodgy yesterday, I had no pain last night and they feel great today. I think I'm off the Tylenol PM now too - none needed last night. Good thing, as I can't believe how quickly tolerance built up, and it's also hard on the liver.

Well, I need to keep moving - best to all for a great weekend ahead.
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Old 06-23-2023, 05:23 PM
  # 464 (permalink)  
over hung over
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Good luck for the rain Dickenson.
In Aus, we know all about drought. (Tho lately its been more about floods)
Heartbreaking for farmers to lose everything when the rains don't come.
Then the long drought finally breaks and the TV news shows farming mothers holding their confused babies and children, hands out.
Seeing and feeling rain for the first time in their young lives.

I'd be taking the car Adv. 40 in full road armour would be no fun.

Hi free.

Saturday. Try and finish current job then my life is my own again for a while.
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Old 06-24-2023, 07:01 AM
  # 465 (permalink)  
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In Northern Illinois we have a 60% chance of rain tonight and a 40% chance tomorrow. If it does rain it will mean a lot for corn and soybean revenue.
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Old 06-24-2023, 12:03 PM
  # 466 (permalink)  
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Hoping for the best Dickinson.

Zura, how are you feeling? I hope all is well with you and your son. I agree that it's a balance we have to achieve, and there's many factors that go into it - sometimes it's rather overwhelming, but I think you have many pieces in place.

Just back from a 25 mile bike ride, icing my knees. The heat has definitely been turned up in the oven here. Temps will be over 100 F for the foreseeable future, or at least until the monsoon starts, hopefully by early next month. Some years it doesn't come.

Hope all are enjoying their weekend.
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Old 06-24-2023, 05:16 PM
  # 467 (permalink)  
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Advbike - stay cool! Feeling atrocious actually 🤣 perhaps it's a detoxing thing. Then of course needing to rest makes me extremely sore... Not a fun weekend for me but hopefully I'll come good soon.

Hope everyone is having a good weekend.
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Old 06-25-2023, 08:22 AM
  # 468 (permalink)  
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Hallelujah! Mother Nature came through with thunderstorms that produced 1.5 to 2.0 inches of rain last night, and there are chances for more rain in the next week.
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Old 06-25-2023, 09:42 AM
  # 469 (permalink)  
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Zura, I am sorry you aren't feeling well. Really hope there is some improvement and you can get out and do what you love.

Dickensen, fantastic to hear that the rain came, and it was substantial. What a relief.

Busy day ahead, need to finish some outdoor chores, as we have excessive heat warnings in place here.

Wishing all the best.
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Old 06-25-2023, 01:58 PM
  # 470 (permalink)  
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Dickensen - so glad you finally got some rain, what a relief. Hope the rain continues.

Advbike - stay hydrated!!

Best wishes all for a good day ❤️.
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Old 06-25-2023, 03:39 PM
  # 471 (permalink)  
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First time posting here…I think…day 12
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Old 06-25-2023, 03:51 PM
  # 472 (permalink)  
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Welcome Introvrtd

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Old 06-25-2023, 04:41 PM
  # 473 (permalink)  
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Congrats on 12 days intro, how are you feeling/doing?
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Old 06-25-2023, 05:09 PM
  # 474 (permalink)  
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Originally Posted by Zura;[url=tel:7946938
7946938[/url]]Congrats on 12 days intro, how are you feeling/doing?
Not sure Admittedly i’m slowly slowly better
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Old 06-25-2023, 05:21 PM
  # 475 (permalink)  
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Welcome Introvrtd. Good to see you.

Stick with us, and have 6 months before the end of the year.
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Old 06-25-2023, 06:02 PM
  # 476 (permalink)  
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Intro - Hang in there! I'm glad things are improving, even if slowly. Sure beats the alternative! Everyday we heal more and more. I'm rooting for you to pull through to day 13, and onwards of course.
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Old 06-26-2023, 04:19 PM
  # 477 (permalink)  
over hung over
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Hi Introv. Good to have a new person. 6 months till the end of the year.
So glad you got the rain Dickenson.
Zura....hope you feeling a bit better

Limping along here. literally. The planar thing in the right heel, eating voltarin with breakfast and waiting for it to ease, which it will.
Current work finished.....time my own now, so have launched a patient investigation into why the printer machine clogs up. I take it apart, melt all
the plastic out with a gas torch, clean up and try again. Reassemble differently. I will find out what it needs to be.

Rain here now replaced by sunny cold. I just add layers. Winter ain't all bad.
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Old 06-27-2023, 05:31 AM
  # 478 (permalink)  
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Good morning all, up early and excited to get on the road.

Pline, I hope your foot pain goes away, Plantar issues can be a real b****. I wonder if icing would help - it certainly works a treat for my knees.

Zura, I really need to get a handle on this clean eating thing. I have gained 5 pounds just in the past six weeks due to the decreased intensity of my cycling workouts.

I say that as I head out on a road trip, which could well be a disaster in that regard.

Introvrtd, congrats on two weeks now, that is huge. I am at almost the same point myself after a small slip mid month. But I am determined to have six months before the end of the year.

Best to all.
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Old 06-27-2023, 07:23 AM
  # 479 (permalink)  
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Welcome back Intovrtd. You know the way.
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Old 06-27-2023, 10:54 AM
  # 480 (permalink)  
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Advbike - when do/did you head off on your trip? Glad your knee is coming along.

Pline - Glad your time is your own for the moment. I hope your heels aren't bothering you too much lately. I experience pain in both heels currently, it's debilitating.

Slowly coming along. Initial brutal sugar detox symptoms have eased but overall wellbeing still far from optimal, it will take some time and dedication to reverse. No longer a coffee drinker as I only like it with milk and sugar and those needed eliminating. Lots more dietary changes to make which I'm attempting to ease into slowly to avoid further painful digestive upset.

Not much happening otherwise, don't think I've been in the garden for almost an entire week lol. Been completely unproductive but health needs to be no 1 priority until I've got everything sorted.

Best to all for a good day ❤️.
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