
Whiners Anonymous Part 57

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Old 05-15-2011, 05:42 AM
  # 81 (permalink)  
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Me too. I just transfer them to the closet in the spare room.

Whining is a right! I'm sure it's hidden somewhere in the Constitution. Welcome back, MaryAnn!
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Old 05-15-2011, 06:08 AM
  # 82 (permalink)  
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Thing is about donating clothes, I donate only clothes that I would be happy to receive myself. Nothing shoddy or worn, that's just not right. I was raised "thrifty" because money was not always plentiful in our house (but the love was) and we learned to make do, do-over, and take care of what we had.

I am grateful for all I have today, so it's time to pay it forward and give more than I have been giving.

The sun is actually out here, it may not last looking at the entire sky, but I am heading out for a walk before the clouds move back in.
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Old 05-15-2011, 07:39 AM
  # 83 (permalink)  
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great minds think alike....i just clean a shelf of make-up in the medicine cabinet...threw out stuff i never use...i had enough "eyebrow setter" to blanket every member of sober recovery and their pets....poof out!

i have many bags of clothing and linens I donate to the Vietnam Vets....i use them because they give me a date after i book online, they come to my front walk, pick up the bags and give me a nice receipt for my taxes.

we are also doing a big garage sale next month at my mother's....this eats into spare time, but the proceeds are used to help finance the house we haven't sold...between taxes and oil heat, lawn work, etc. it costs about 10K to keep every year...and that is with my brother doing the majority of the work through his construction company.

I wonder if it would be cheaper to have sheep to eat the lawn?

i promised myself I could whine after i cleaned the master bathroom....i polished the granite, clorox-cleanuped the mold spots on the tile and sanitized everything i could really is a beautiful room as i did whatever possible to improve it.

my contractor is moving along with the main bath, but he is REALLY sick...what started out as a cold/throat thing has progressed...and i know that he does not wear a mask when working...(tile dust, sheetrock dust, moving the plumbing and replacing copper pipe he uses some sort of torch...there is a smell to it and i'm concerned he is making his lungs worse...(plus he smokes). i've told him not to come if he is sick...there is no extreme urgency that he can pass out in my house from trying to work and can't breathe.

thats a good whine for the morning...after i do more chores i will come back and complain more!
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Old 05-15-2011, 10:34 AM
  # 84 (permalink)  
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I have a friend who flakes on our plans often enough that over the years I have chosen to regard the plans we make together to simply be suggestions that may or may not happen.

The problem is, she was diagnosed with leukemia last week and told me about it over the phone. We made plans to meet for lunch on Friday...cancelled. I was going over to her house yesterday...cancelled. We were supposed to meet for breakfast today and I still have not heard from her. Although this is typical behavior for her, now I worry.
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Old 05-15-2011, 11:40 AM
  # 85 (permalink)  
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Hi all whiners,

Good news is lovely host of party roadied for me (& home again this morning!) & lads have successful audition for big 'battle of bands' beginning of June.

Bad news is this w/e at work have had to witness/pick up fallout from - an 8 year old girl who made her First Holy Communion in the morning & then fell from a bouncy castle & was killed, a 53 yr old who died suddenly & totally unexpectedly at home & a horrendous burns victim who took 2 hours to stabilise before we transferred her to the Burns Unit.

Sorry to be such a downer, but very saddened at the seemingly random acts of the Universe today...
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Old 05-15-2011, 02:09 PM
  # 86 (permalink)  
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Huge Huggs, Rebel. Sending love and light.

My friend called, overslept. But she is coming by my place tomorrow.
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Old 05-15-2011, 03:08 PM
  # 87 (permalink)  
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These are some high quality whines, y'all - took me awhile to read, but I fully appreciate each & every one.

I like to donate my clothes to our homeless shelter, too. Mr. Hev has a zillion pairs of almost brand new jeans he'll probably never get his big toe into again - & I'm taking them. The people there literally have only the clothes on their back when they arrive. Many are addicts & have a special place in my heart - there but for the grace of God & all that.

Rebel - It amazes me how you can do that job - but I admire you so much. Sorry it was such a horrible day.

Fandy - I looked high & low for B&J Red Velvet Cake, but it was nowhere. It'll probably take a few weeks to make it's way down here. Saw some of that new Magnum stuff. It's on a stick, several different types - I had the caramel in my hand, but put it back. 3 bars for $4.00! I don't think so!
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Old 05-15-2011, 04:04 PM
  # 88 (permalink)  
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My trip to pick up ck from school went well and we are back home safe and sound. The couple that took me up there and back are elderly and Mrs is not a good driver at all... She drove up there and I was quite nervous on the way up. Mr drove back and it was an easier and less stressful trip.

Cleaned up the house for ck's arrival and she told me thanks for my effort as dirt and clutter bother her... not! She mostly appreciates my loving care of her cat while she's at school. A labor of love on my part as I love her kitty.
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Old 05-15-2011, 04:19 PM
  # 89 (permalink)  
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More hugs, Rebel. ****}} I have no words for the terrible day you had but sending you sympathy and prayers for a brighter day tomorrow.

Hugger hope you get to see your friend.
******{Rainy Soggy Whiners}}}}
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Old 05-15-2011, 04:22 PM
  # 90 (permalink)  
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Fandy, I got to thinking about Mr. Funeral Director. There may be professional standards of conduct that might prevent him from contacting you, so as to avoid any possible inkling of impropriety in your time of griving. Just a thought.

And also, as to timing, perhaps he wants to and simply feels a bit of respectful time passing is warranted?

Perhaps if you feel inclined, and this would completely be whatever felt right to you, to contact him for a coffee date at a not-too-faraway time?

I am a romantic, so these are the thoughts I have.

I am touched by the generous thank yous you've offered to all the people who helped care for your Mom.
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Old 05-15-2011, 04:25 PM
  # 91 (permalink)  
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oh Rebel, i did not realize you are a RNP...are you also a CCRN? work trauma/ ER?

i am sorry for the causualties...especially the little ownder why we love our pets and spoil them....the true innocents.

we have huge thunderstorms today...i cannot plant all the little plants i bought today..tomorrow works.

i am very crabby tonight...many people do not appreciate what they have..they whine out of bounds.
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Old 05-15-2011, 04:26 PM
  # 92 (permalink)  
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And now for my Whine. My dog was invited to a BBQ today and comported himself with Polite Manners Exceeding What it To Be Expected from a Mere Dog in the Presence of Grilling Meat.

If his behavior issues clear up due to my sobriety....WHAT WILL I WHINE ABOUT?

I have invested YEARS of resentmentful poor-me martyrdom about our (all very real) training issues, and now all that will be for NAUGHT?
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Old 05-15-2011, 04:30 PM
  # 93 (permalink)  
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Frances, my thanks button has been revoked...Dee must angry with me?

I had the same thoughts of Mr. Funeral Director..(since i drive by the funeral parlor every day en route to work and have not seen his car..which happens to be a new cadillac CTS...probably a business write off)... I am glad i did not leap over mommy's coffin and jump in his lap....I think i will hear from him at some point...hopefully afte i get my hair cut and lose 10# overnight!

Fandy is peering over my shoulder like a vulture and Sammy is stretched out on the couch.
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Old 05-15-2011, 04:44 PM
  # 94 (permalink)  
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Fandy, I hope you get your button back soon! Dogger here is out cold from being good.
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Old 05-15-2011, 05:09 PM
  # 95 (permalink)  
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Just thought of something else about ck's being home for the summer... Jack will slink around the house in fear for his life as he's afraid of her... like he's afraid of everyone else but me. He won't eat his dinner if she's in the kitchen. I have to make her leave while he eats, fussy boy.

I agree with Frances about Mr Funeral-guy. He may be giving you time before he 'makes his move'. Maybe just being respectful. I do get a feeling about him tho that makes me think he was quite sincere when he said he hoped to see you under better circumstances.
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Old 05-15-2011, 06:27 PM
  # 96 (permalink)  
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queeny, are any of KB's drawers in your drawers?

fands, what are you waiting for Mr FD for?

mamz, you can please peeps, just not sis! lol

welcome back MA

i know that hint MA

just can remember the name

Hev, what size is Mr Hev?

the jeans girl!

fands, i think i'm getting the drift now

and hey, what a catch

when its time for you to go, you can go out in style!

the flea was canceled, though i called before leaving for the trip.

so slatthered on more paint while i had the time today

did step in the paint can lid, and i didn't care, i trapped around the house, and made foot prints

hey, footprints saved my ass! lol
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Old 05-15-2011, 06:37 PM
  # 97 (permalink)  
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Just realized my post must have sounded ungrateful about the people who took me to ck's school. I am very grateful to them but Mrs shouldn't be driving and it scared me. The very reason I don't drive on highways and unfamiliar roads - I'm not a good driver when I'm nervous. I was guessing Mr would be driving... Perhaps that was an unwarranted whine on my part...
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Old 05-15-2011, 10:05 PM
  # 98 (permalink)  
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Hugger and Rebel :ghug3 whines today, wet windy and wild, so blustery on the motorway today that the huge truck and trailer who pulled out in front of me as I was coming down a hill rather quickly was swerving all over the lanes. When he pulled back in I could see why......the dumb F@**er was talking on his mobile phone at the same time. Really???? Fool!!!!!! coulda killed someone.

That is all is nearly done..Monday itis over.
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Old 05-15-2011, 11:12 PM
  # 99 (permalink)  
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[Hugs with icecream smilie] for Reb & anyone else who needs it.

Weather is horrid but I have managed to barely get wet despite spending around 2 hours in it over the day. Dogs walked and now fire is on so I am whine-free...for now...
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Old 05-15-2011, 11:52 PM
  # 100 (permalink)  
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Yeah I managed to not get wet either...just blown inside out. LOL

Just had kumara and vege soup for my dinner, yummy hot soup on a cold night. nothing better, well, not to eat anyway. Well hang on....maybe some chocolate would be ok. LOL
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