
NA for methadrones?

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Old 02-06-2008, 05:21 PM
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Unhappy NA for methadrones?

i'm currently in a methadone maintenance program. my dose has been the same for about 2 years now, and i haven't injected any crack/heroin since the end of July 2007.

the methadone doesn't get me high. i don't nod or show any other opiate abuse symptoms. if i were falling asleep in my own lap at the meeting, i would understand not being welcomed. but that's not the case at all.

i want to stop using drugs just as much as the next guy, most likely more. i want it so bad, and i want help. NA could be a great resource for me, but i can't go.

can someone who is knowledgeable in these things please explain this policy of exclusion to me? or does anyone out there currently take methadone and go to meetings? maybe i'm looking for help in the wrong places?


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Old 02-06-2008, 06:34 PM
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Om, Aum, Ohm...
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Where did you get the idea that you couldn't go to NA if you were on methadone? The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop using. If you've got that, you've got membership.

Peace & Love,
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Old 02-07-2008, 07:18 AM
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can someone who is knowledgeable in these things please explain this policy of exclusion to me?
I have never heard of any kind of policy like that...or any policy at all. NA is a program of suggestions.

There is a chair waiting for you if as Sugah said, you have the desire to stop using, and it sounds like you do.
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Old 02-07-2008, 08:33 AM
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"...i'm currently in a methadone maintenance program. my dose has been the same for about 2 years now..."

"can someone who is knowledgeable in these things please explain this policy of exclusion to me? or does anyone out there currently take methadone and go to meetings?.."

"...The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop using..."

"...i want to stop using drugs just as much as the next guy..."

OK...where to start.....hmmmmm.....Yes, the only requirement is a desire to stop you also have a desire to stop using methadone? I see you've been on it (at least, the same dosage) for two years there an end in sight?....hardcore NAer's will not exclude you from meetings, but they will not want to hear you say you are 'clean' unless and until you're off methadone.....and if you don't have a desire to get off methadone, then they might say that you still don't 'technically' qualify for 'membership' as methadone is a drug itself.

Well.....these are just some thoughts. I didn't do methadone, and the folks I know who did tell me that getting off it was harder than getting off heroin; the withdrawals worse......

Bottom line though is..........don't let anyone keep you from going to meetings, especially if they help you..... (o:

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Old 02-07-2008, 05:43 PM
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Old 02-07-2008, 06:14 PM
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Originally Posted by downhomechunk View Post
i want to stop using drugs just as much as the next guy, most likely more. i want it so bad, and i want help. NA could be a great resource for me, but i can't go.
if you want to stop why don't you? why can't you go to NA? the only requirement for membership is a desire to stop using. granted there may be meetings that ask people still using not to share, but that doesn't mean you can't attend the meetings and listen, talk to members before and after the meetings.
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Old 02-07-2008, 06:31 PM
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NA has no opinion on outside issues. this is one of them. this is something between you and a medical professional. You are more than welcome at NA meetings there is nothing that says you can not attend meetings. You absolutely meet the stated 3rd tradition. the desire to stop using or you wouldn't be here asking these questions. So go try some meetings find some where you feel comfortable and join us on this road of recovery. WELCOME HOME BROTHER!!!!
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Old 02-07-2008, 06:39 PM
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Thanks for bring this up. I too in in a MMT and I dare anyone to tell me that I am not in Recovery. I am prescribed this medication by a Physician who specializes in Addiction. I supposed if I was a diabetic I would be frowned on for taking insulin? Is addiction a disease or not? I used for 32 years before I got into the MMT and this was a last resort. I have tried every inpatient, outpatient, long term, short term treatment program there is out there with no long term Recovery. If anyone has any true and extended knowledge of what opiates do to the brain they would realize that there are some individuals that no matter how strong a Program they work, no matter how hard and honest they completely work the Steps, the amount of time they work closely and honestly with their Sponsor and others in the Program, the close, loving and trusting relationship with their Higher Power, the physical cravings completely take over at times. I also have Lupus and Rheumatoid Arthritis where there are days that I hurt so bad that to get out of bed is a chore. I could live off of Social Security and not work, but I wish to be a contributing member of society for as long as I can. I have not been to prison or ever got a jay walking ticket since I have been Clean & Sober. I had done time in prison, physically twice for a total of 18 months due to this disease. But until I began MMT, I was in a mental, emotional, spiritual prison for 32 years. I am able to hold a job, a good job with a tremendous amt of responsibility now as to where I couldn't have held the job as a flower seller on the corner before. My family can now trust me to not rifle throught there medicine cabinets, get into their purses, steal whatever I could get my hands on when I walked into their homes now. I was no longer welcome in many peoples homes any longer due to my disease and what I did. My family is very proud of me now. My Son moved in with his Dad when he was only 11 years old due to the fact that he didn't want to watch me slowly kill myself any longer. As soon as he graduated high school, about six weeks before my two year anniversary, he chose to move back in with me. You can't tell me my Son hasn't seen a complete and total change in me. He is proud of me now. I am proud of me now. I no longer hate what I see in the mirror. I truly care about others now. I do things for people not out of a sense of what I can get or steal from them, I do it because I am a kind and loving person who wants to spend time with the old lady down the street who's kids all live in Colorado. I volunteer my time at a half way house in order to give back what was so freely given to me. I want these women to know that they can start over. That there are people out here who totally changed their lives. When I do meet someone who is not in the Program and I become close enough to them and feel I will not be judged when I tell them the person I was, they are shocked. They cannot believe that I was a dope feign who cared about nothing more than getting high and went to prison twice for it. I am in Recovery. Sure, there are many people at the Clinic I go to who are not working any kind of a Program. Just like there are individuals who go to meetings high, just because they think they can get a slip signed and keep their probation officer off their back. So, please, before you put a stigma on someone who is in a MMT program, think about the stigma that has been attached to you at some point in your life because you are an addict or alcoholic. Like the old saying goes, don't judge a book by it's cover and never judge a man (or woman) until you walk in their shoes.
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Old 02-08-2008, 02:46 AM
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I'm a little ignorant about this, I need to ask; is there a limit on the desire 'time' to stop using? How long can one be on methadone and claim recovery? Can one stay on Methadone for 10 years for example and be in recovery. I am just trying to expand my horizons on an issue I have no experience in.
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Old 02-08-2008, 07:54 AM
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Originally Posted by sticker View Post
NA has no opinion on outside issues. this is one of them. this is something between you and a medical professional. You are more than welcome at NA meetings there is nothing that says you can not attend meetings. You absolutely meet the stated 3rd tradition. the desire to stop using or you wouldn't be here asking these questions. So go try some meetings find some where you feel comfortable and join us on this road of recovery. WELCOME HOME BROTHER!!!!
I just want to say DITTO to sticker!!!!!!
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