
Morning Gratitude part 133

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Old 07-07-2024, 04:02 PM
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Morning Gratitude part 133

last part here: (Morning Gratitude part 132)

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Old 07-07-2024, 07:07 PM
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Thank you for the new thread, Dee!
Checking in late. Up very early to hike with neighbor. Had a really great time and really enjoying getting to know her better
Numblady, I remember when Craigs list was all there was. Glad you are home and got to sleep in your own bed
CBS, so nice you got to enjoy friend lunch and family dinner with no stomach issues.
Aly, so great to see you
Turps, I am so excited for you to go on your trip. Have a great time and be safe. Hopefully you can check in
Hev, lol about the bedbugs. Yeah, probably not meant to be
I know I'm missing several of you so will just say HI!
Grateful to do a lot of planning and early packing for trip next Sat. Renting a house in Santa Cruz with friends
Grateful to order a couple of swim suits on Amazon.
Grateful for my wardrobe
Grateful it wasnn't as hot today though still hot
Grateful for shredded pork street tacos made by Mr. F
Grateful sonny boy is going to friends and sleeping over tonight
Grateful for my gorgeous dog and cogs
Grateful for all of you
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Old 07-08-2024, 02:28 AM
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Good morning all
Grateful for Dee to keep this thread going
Grateful for a beautiful day, spent a lot of time outside
Grateful to fireflies
Grateful anxiety is down
Grateful to be hearing the birds start to chirp. The sun is just starting to come up

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Old 07-08-2024, 02:29 AM
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Old 07-08-2024, 02:52 AM
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Fearless have an awesome time in Santa Cruz!

An accurate morning statement indeed, Alpine!


I am grateful for a decent night’s sleep

Grateful to enjoy my own company

Grateful to get my new laptop paid off

Grateful for the new thread, Thanks Dee
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Old 07-08-2024, 03:18 AM
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- for a bit of juice left in my keyboard
- for Dee and the new thread
- for my daughter working so hard on her little babysitting business
- to see Aly back
- for all of you.
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Old 07-08-2024, 03:48 AM
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Grateful for the new part. Thanks, Dee!

Grateful for a brand-new week of sober adventures.

Grateful for another day sober.
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Old 07-08-2024, 09:28 AM
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Hi Grat Pack. Thanks Dee for the new thread!

My Stepfather passed on Saturday night. It was expected but still sad as he was my mother's partner for almost 30 years. He was 93 and a half. I was able to speak to him on the phone the day he died thanks to his daughter. Will be going to a memorial in August in Florida.

Quick grats.
Grateful for my sobriety.
Grateful we got moved back into our den yesterday. Loving the hardwood floors. Sarge not so much. He misses the softer stinky carpet. We will buy him a doggie bed for that room so he can be more comfortable.
Grateful for my life.
Grateful I was able to speak to stepfather before he passed.
Grateful for SR and the GP.
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Old 07-08-2024, 10:19 AM
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Fearless - Swim Suits....oh, the very thought..... Glad you had success. Santa Cruz - sounds wonderful.
Alpine - You were smart to enjoy the cooler early morning.
Aly - When will your hot weather break?
Free - Reykjavik - have a fab time. I googled temperature & it said it's 54F - how refreshing. I saw a picture of the huge Lutheran church that took 41 yrs. to build.
Purp - I'm glad they will not be repossessing your Laptop. (I need a new one - dreading the cost. $$$$$$)
CBS - I'm sorry to hear of your stepfather's passing. Must have been bittersweet to speak to him on the very day. Good idea to get the bed for Sarge. Brazen is slipping & sliding on our floors, but we have (tacky) throw carpets down.
Grateful MrH finally got a couple hours sleep after being up with Brazen all night - he is teething. (Brazen not MrHev)
Grateful for more sun. Now if it would just go down 20 degrees or so.
Grateful my summer clothes from last year are loose - but now I need all new stuff.
Grateful for the quiet after a loud 4th.
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Old 07-08-2024, 10:55 AM
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Grateful for July

I am grateful for summer.
I’m grateful for reuniting with my childhood friend.
I’m grateful for zucchini!
I’m grateful for second chances.
I’m grateful for social worlds.
I’m grateful for space and time to recover.
I’m grateful for being of service to my parents.
I’m grateful for addressing instead of avoiding my issues.
I’m grateful for Sobriety!!!!!!
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Old 07-08-2024, 04:10 PM
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Purps, so nice to pay your laptop off
Numblady, I love that your daughter has started a babysitting business
CBS, I am so sorry for your loss
Hev, love that you can get into your summer clothes
Listae, I agree and am grateful we live in a social world
Alpine, yes to that meme!
Grateful to be able to come here amy time of day
Grateful for a productive work day
Grateful my company started a wellness challenge
Grateful it’s cooler today
Grateful Mr F fixed the sprinkler
Grateful to put Hennessy in daycare. We want him to get used to this place and trust we are coming back for him. Drop off was very difficult this morning. He still has separation anxiety. Sweet boy. When we board him next week, I wonder if the place allows face time calls with him. Lol
Grateful for all of you
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Old 07-09-2024, 02:10 AM
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I am grateful for mindfulness

Grateful for the rain (until the basement floods)

Grateful to be here with you all
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Old 07-09-2024, 02:40 AM
  # 13 (permalink)  
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CB, sorry for your loss
Hev, congrats on the loose clothing and I agree that the temps need to drop 20
Listae, happy you met up with a friend
Fear, I hope it went well for Hennessy
Grateful I slept fairly well
Grateful to have a rowing machine, too hot outside to do too much out there
Grateful for friendships here
Grateful to have ridden the anxiety wave and now it is smooth again
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Old 07-09-2024, 02:42 AM
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Old 07-09-2024, 03:24 AM
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CBS, sorry about your stepfather. Even if expected it’s still tough.
Hev, that is nice of Mr. Hev to stay up with teething puppy. Hope you don’t have to miss too much sleep!
Listae, that seems like a perfect July list.
Fearless, glad you had a productive work day. I was so bad!
Purp, oh no! Hope the basement didn’t actually flood and you are just anticipating what could happen if it keeps raining. If it did flood, then I’m really sorry!
Alapine, glad the anxiety has smoothed for now.

- to come to DC for one night again
- that we got a big grant I was the main person on
- that this hotel room has an adjustable bed. I think it’s so cool to just press a button and then it adjusts to have the back more up. Can’t really describe it right but hopefully you can picture it. Like a hospital bed. Or Craftmatic.
- to get to walk around the DC sights yesterday evening
- that I didn’t have to stress about how to get alcohol or if it looked bad to drink so much more than my normie companion (former boss). And as I write this I think about some times where I probably was totally focused on booze even when others were not. Ugh. Glad that is behind me.
- for all of you.
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Old 07-09-2024, 03:38 AM
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Aly, missing you
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Old 07-09-2024, 06:40 AM
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Aly, thinking of you!
Numblady, I love those beds! I want one! Glad you are enjoying DC
Grateful to stop in quick
Grateful to spend family time last night
Grateful 3 of my friends who went on long vacations beginning of summer are back next week
Grateful Sonny boy is going to wrestling practice today
Grateful to quickly accept a negative outcome and move past it. Grateful for perspective
Grateful for all of you
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Old 07-09-2024, 09:56 AM
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Listae - Yes - addressing our issues instead of avoiding - one of the best things about being clear headed.
Fearless - We need to do that with Brazen. Good idea to get him accustomed to the place. Hope it goes well.
Alpine - I'm glad you're feeling less anxious. I hate not being able to be outside doing stuff - it's supposed to feel like 100 today.
NL - I felt bad about puppy being awake all night - and I didn't even know about it. I was upstairs with my white noise machine cranking. I love my adjustable bed - I dont think I could sleep completely flat again. Enjoy DC.
Aly -
Grateful all flowers are thriving - even in this heat.
Grateful we got doggy aspirin for Brazen & it helped him sleep last night.
Grateful our neighbors found homes for all 5 kittens that were born in their garage. They'll keep the mother.
Grateful when people are kind & do the right thing. I think it happens more often than we realize.
Love to all. Have a grateful day.
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Old 07-09-2024, 01:49 PM
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Thank you, Dee!

CBS, I’m sorry on the loss of your stepdad
Fear, I’m glad you are liking your new hiking friend, and have a trip planned
NL, it’s so cool your daughter is taking the helm of her business
Alpine, so cool you are selling quilts. I save so many of your Memes. Thank you so much. I used to do a rowing machine at the gym. It had water in it. On purpose.
Listae, nice list
FBL, nice to see you
Turs, hope you are having a good start to your trip
Hey, that’s neat about doggy aspirin. Maybe he has growing pains? I think he will be a big boy

to anyone I missed, hello
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Old 07-09-2024, 01:56 PM
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i I finally got on the site again. It’s horrible. Been getting a weird block that says I have to answer cookie preferences first then it doesn’t work and you can’t sign in.

Grateful for SO much
Seeing a whale from the bus yesterday.
more waterfalls.
A seal
big hay bales that look like marshmallows
sounds of birds
the sounds of rolling waves against the ship
the tastes of international cuisine (but not trying fermented shark, thanks for the offer )
making our own sandwiches to go on our excursions, lunch plates on shore are $30 each
For not moving aside when people are walking toward me on my side of the walkway, three persons abreast. (I move over for the infirm though)
keeping my calm when my hubby snapped at me today.

each one of you, and getting on website to catch up

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