
My food problem is a manifestation of alcoholism

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Old 10-17-2021, 07:14 PM
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My food problem is a manifestation of alcoholism

My craving to eat junk food are just my addiction crop up in other forms. I have come to believe that food addiction and drug addiction are the same illnesses. At least in the sense to the addict who is addicted to both thier isn't two illnesses but one illnesses that being addiction. If addictive substances or any out of control behavior is merely symptoms of underlying disorder then different addictions are just different symptoms of the same disease. My over eating is a product of my illnesses. I feel uncomfortable so I use food to shut up my feelings. I feel nothing so I eat to feel something. I'm bored well eating will take care of of that. Its exactly the same as when I was drinking in that I'm using the same way I used booze. Food can be every bit as dangerous over time a liquor can be. It kills you the same in the end. Don't get me wrong I'm not going to drink. I would then have two problems booze and food. The point is I obsesse over food to the same extent I did with alcohol. I accept I will always be prone to these sort of things. I need to do something because I have high blood pressure and I eat to much salt. Ending up in the hospital to weeks ago which was panic attack didn't stop from eating out of control. I'm powerless just like I am with alcohol, which means will power isn't going to work. I'm not sure what to do.
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Old 10-17-2021, 08:48 PM
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If you follow 12 step methods why not look at Overeaters Anonymous?

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Old 10-17-2021, 11:34 PM
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I have the same problem. It is exhausting and relentless constantly fighting addiction.

I wish I could offer a solution but I can't, you do have my empathy though.
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Old 10-25-2021, 08:18 PM
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I highly recommend you speak with a doctor, a therapist, and a nutritionist. All three. There is a lot of overlap between alcohol addiction and eating disorders — but in many ways, food-related issues are harder to treat long term because you can’t abstain from food. This is why a triad of professionals can help:
  • Doctor: Assess and get a baseline for health/wellness.
  • Nutritionist: Develop a structured diet plan custom-tailored to you.
  • Therapist: Will help you process through the plan, get ahead of cravings, and get to the root of the disordered eating,
Also i know that externalization (identifying addiction voice) is used in some treatment programs, and it’s very similar to rational recovery. It can be very effective. This is from being very close to someone who struggles with food issues. Good luck and remember to have grace for yourself and to take it one day at a time.
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