
Any experiences with Selincro?

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Old 01-12-2016, 08:29 AM
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Any experiences with Selincro?


I was reading the thread on Naltrexone below and it reminded me of a of something called Selincro, which my GP prescribed for me about 5 months ago. I had just experienced a relapse and was through withdrawal, so she suggested giving it a try. To be honest, I didn't actually end up taking it, as I looked it up online straight away and read that it could cause insomnia and I've found that lack of sleep has made me particularly weak against alcohol. In addition, I haven't actually had any severe cravings since that relapse, so thought I didn't need it. However, we all know how they can pop up without warning, and with a potentially stressful few weeks ahead, I'm wondering if it would be an idea to give it a go.

I've been reading about it online again, as my doctor didn't actually tell me much about it at all. I'm confuse as from what I've read, it seems to be used for reducing alcohol intake, not preventing it, and I'm not a candidate for reduction, that's for sure!

Does anyone have any knowledge or experience of using it?
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Old 01-12-2016, 11:20 AM
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The best place to find out any information on a prescription drug is your doctor. If your doctor wanted to prescribe it and didn't tell you much about it I'd consider finding another doctor to be quite honest.

Another point that you bring up is important to remember - there are many drugs that are designed to help REDUCE cravings or consumption rather than to help promote complete sobriety. Make sure that whomever you speak with, whether it's a medical doctor or psychiatrist, understands that your goal is sobriety.

Lastly, I think it's important to also remember that there is no magic pill that can just "cure" alcoholism. In most cases, these drugs are used as a supplement to a recovery plan of some kind.
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Old 01-12-2016, 11:27 AM
  # 3 (permalink)  
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^ Scott gives good advice.

Here is some information I found interesting: Selincro |

Remember that this is a peer forum, and no one here can or should give you any medical advice.
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Old 01-16-2016, 09:47 PM
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Selincro (Nalmefene) has an action similar to Naltrexone, but is processed by the kidneys rather than the liver. It sounds like you might be in Europe or the UK as Selincro isn't licensed for use in the US.

Patient (dot) info is a well-vetted source of information on various drugs and would likely lend some reliable information on Selincro. There are also discussion forums there that might help too and I see that there is one for Selincro.

NICE guidelines give guidance as to the use of Selincro.

Scott makes a very good point. If your GP can't give you sufficient information about the drug, it may be best to find a different doctor that is more experienced with it's use. There are, for instance, psychiatrists that specialize in addiction. Selincro is relatively new on the market, so it may be that not all physicians have practical experience in prescribing it.
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