
Strong Cravings

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Old 07-19-2014, 09:25 AM
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Strong Cravings

I'm a week short of the 6 month mark and I've overcome several situations I thought would be a test - weddings, nights out, corporate events, a weeks holiday abroad. To be honest it was a breeze, the thought of drinking wasn't on the rador.

Yet here I am obsessing about being obsessed with having a drink! I'm picking a family member up at the airport tomorrow and have plans tonight so there is no opportunity to drink. The thought of not drinking ever again hasn't affected me before but suddenly it's at the forefront of my mind.

I don't want to worry my friends or family but I fear that given the opportunity next weekend (house empty, nothing planned) I'll struggle.

The last 6 months have been fab as well. I've never been fitter and life couldn't be better at work and at home. So it's frustrating that my mind wants to compromise this and put me back on the progressive road to ruin.

Sorry for the negative post but I feel I need to get it off my chest.
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Old 07-19-2014, 09:33 AM
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Hey Alpha, thoughts are merely that, you don't need to act on them, sometimes we can think things are inevitable and almost give in even before something even happens, at the end of the day we have to act on them to make them a reality!!

Formulate a plan for next weekend, activities etc, execute it to the letter and you will remain Sober, you can do this!!
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Old 07-19-2014, 09:39 AM
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I've had a similar situation and I went with the flow and thought I'd enjoy a weekend of my own company but I put myself in a vulnerable situation and I had a drink, I'd been 13 days sober and am annoyed with myself for letting it happen. I am now on day 6 part 2 and can see the danger in the situation. I would make plans to go to a meeting or see sober friends.
Well done on recognising potential issue and I'm sure that your plans will keep you sober. Well done and keep going.
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Old 07-19-2014, 10:04 AM
  # 4 (permalink)  
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Hi Alpha,

I don't think you are being negative at all. You are being honest and honesty is a vital component of sobriety. Well done for recognising the danger and making it public. In the early day after I started recovery and still some times still if I get a craving for a drink i go to the shop and get a can of coca-cola, a bar of chocolate and a bag of crisps

It distracted me and prevented me going to the off-licensce in emergency situations.

Not the healthiest alternative I know! but it helped me in the early days.

Best of luck.
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Old 07-19-2014, 05:17 PM
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Hi alpha

for some reason sometimes cravings often seem to resurface around 'anniversaries' long as your recovery is good and you support strong, I think you can get through this.

Thoughts are thoughts but it's what we do in response that counts.

I'm not a Dr but if this PAWs link rings any bells with you there are some great ideas for ameliorating its effects
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Old 07-19-2014, 05:22 PM
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It sounds like the devil on your shoulder is trying to convince you to make a plan to drink next weekend.
Tell that devil to **** off.
You don't have to give in to that urge.
Crossing my fingers for you.
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Old 07-19-2014, 05:33 PM
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I had a very close call at the six month mark. I drove into the liquor store parking lot and opened the door to get out,when I realized what i was doing.
I posted on here about it,and wen't to an AA meeting the next day. Talking about it seemed to help. It was kind of like the monster putting up it's last fight. It got a LOT easier after that spell.
Hang in there.

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Old 07-19-2014, 05:42 PM
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Alpha the best thing you can do is post so we can try and help support you through the time you are alone. Can you make sober plans during that time as a safeguard? I find that cravings don't last long, but planning the next drink or binge continues a lot longer.
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Old 07-20-2014, 04:17 AM
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I have only posted occasionally however I will now post more regularly as this thread and the kind thoughtful replies has really helped.

I hit the gym which helped distract me yesterday and I contacted a close friend to make plans for next Saturday. He knows the score so it gives me accountability.

Dee, I found the concept of Hypoglycemia really interesting. I will read up on that more as I can relate to this.

I've a real desire and commitment for a sober life. I know I won't drink in the next 7 days. It's just I fell disheartened and somewhat lonely when such a strong urge kicks in. I've spent a lot of time reading SR, it is a fantastic support group. I will get involved more. Thanks for listening.
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Old 07-20-2014, 04:42 AM
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Congrats on the 6 mnths, great job

The AV can be quite the bugger. After the physical dependency and withdrawal is over , we are left with the mind game. Reading about AVRT really helped me by seeing things in new perspective. The technique puts major importance on the 'now', as in I will never drink now. The last six months have been a whole series of 'nows' where you stayed resolved. The now is the only time we live and act in. Telling your AV that you will never drink is putting it on notice that even future 'nows' are out of bonds. It seems your AV thinks some future 'now' may be an opportunity. We just need to stay resolute in the present 'now' , the future 'nows' will be the present then, its an odd way to think granted but it helped me. All the nows I live through will add up to the never, I can certainly not drink 'now' , never change your mind about that and the AV will in time 'get it' and be forced to slink away.
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Old 07-20-2014, 05:20 AM
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“The last 6 months have been fab as well. I've never been fitter and life couldn't be better at work and at home. So it's frustrating that my mind wants to compromise this and put me back on the progressive road to ruin.”

This fact is part of the insanity of what we have, a progressive disease, even tho many disagree. Why does a clear minded sober person start thinking of repeating past bad behavior? It still has the medical community baffled.

I and many of us need to be reminded of our past, turmoil related, as people seem to forget pain. Reading posts here is helpful along with going to face to face meetings for the feelings and expressions.

You seem to be on a good path, keep it up.

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