Liemann Valdimar

Sober Recovery Expert Author

Liemann Valdimar is a writer residing in Florida with over nine years of recovery. He has experienced the heavy hand of both alcohol and substance abuse and is grateful to be where he is today. As a sponsor in AA, he retains his anonymity by writing under a pen name.

nurse standing in front of flag

Drug prevention policies aren't just something that affects the addict; it affects us all as an entire nation. Continue Reading

man behind bars extending his arm out in plea for help

Addiction and Mass Incarceration in America

By Liemann Valdimar

While about half of states have failed to appropriately address drug-related incarceration effectively, another half are paving... Continue Reading

focus shot of Christmas tree at an event

In the continual path of recovery, Christmas Day really is no different than any other day. Here's why recovery meeting rooms a... Continue Reading

man getting his fingerprints taken

How a Criminal Record Affects Those in Recovery

By Liemann Valdimar

One of the problems faced by a disproportionate number of individuals in sobriety is the taboo topic of criminal backgrounds. H... Continue Reading

depressed addict sitting alone and leaning on a wall

Why Loneliness is an Addict’s Worst Enemy

By Liemann Valdimar

For those with addictive personalities, they appear the most highly functioning when their lives are involved with others. Continue Reading

holiday plate

Holiday Foods You Might Not Know Contain Alcohol

By Liemann Valdimar

Given each individual's alcohol sensitivity, it's good to be informed on which holiday dishes may contain alcohol so we can mak... Continue Reading

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Relapse prevention programs can lessen the gap between rehab and the real world. Continue Reading

powder on a surface and the word

4 Things You Should Know About Cocaine Addiction

By Liemann Valdimar

Cocaine is unlike many other substances. Here are 4 things you should expect when dealing with cocaine addiction. Continue Reading

frustrated woman looking down and holding onto her head

Here are 5 tell-tale signs your substance abuse is really a symptom of a larger mental health issue. Continue Reading

Recovering from prescription drug addiction can be a complicated process, but there is hope. We lay out the facts and clarify s... Continue Reading