rehab costs

The Cost of Drug Rehab


Sober Recovery Expert Author

rehab costs

Rehab. What exactly does this mean? When looking at out-of-control addiction and its path of destruction for the addict and those around him, addiction treatment in rehabilitation facility (rehab) becomes the most viable option. Why is this so? Treatment in a rehab program provides several things that most addicts cannot achieve on their own.

What Drug Rehab Provides

The first of thing that rehab provides is possible relocation for addicts--away from the source of their drugs or alcohol, as well as the places and people they have been using with. Rehab offers isolation from the constant reminders about drugs and getting high. Secondly, rehab treatment will give addicts coping skills and refusal methods they do not currently have, allowing them to remain abstinent once they become sober. Another thing rehab can provide is total immersion in a new way of life and a different setting--a setting that is supportive of clean and sober lifestyle choices, allowing addicts to experience life without drugs for a specified period of time.

Get the 411 on how much it costs and if it's worth it.

This is true for residential treatment. Many people will opt out of residential rehab programs, due to jobs that cannot be left or other circumstances that prevent them from leaving home for the duration of treatment. Their only option may be to attend an out-patient treatment program. This means they will remain in their environment while getting education about addiction and recovery. This type of addiction treatment makes it more challenging to gain abstinence, but can work for those who are stable in their normal setting. They attend groups and lectures before or after work or school and return home at the end of the day. This option can also provide a great transition from residential rehab treatment to a home-based environment when the addict needs additional support after rehab.

Drug Rehab Cost Options

Several factors influence choices for those who need rehab to stop using. In today’s world, costs can be offset with insurance benefits for many.

Costs of rehab can vary greatly, depending on the type of rehab setting you choose. Types of rehab range from hospital settings, most of which are covered by insurance benefits, to luxury accommodations in private mansions, to very low-end rehab programs in charity missions. There are a wide range of reasonable and less luxurious options. Getting information about rehab can be as simple as looking online. Many addicts can contact their medical provider or insurance company for referrals to centers appropriate for them.

What's Included in Rehab?

Amenities provided in each rehab facility will speak to the amount they are likely to cost. Daily rates can range from $50.00 through $15,000, depending on the structure and services available at each agency. Some programs also provide services through donations or scholarship arrangements. Many may offer medium-to-high-cost program services that can be offset by private donations or other means.

One determining factor that may increase costs is the need for medical intervention for the addict: if medical detox and ongoing supervision is needed or available at the facility. This need can be determined by a medical provider. Other cost factors include level of care provided. Higher costs will usually give services such as individual therapy, personal services such as massage therapists, exercise equipment and trainers, specialized foods and menus, and facilities that are similar to luxury hotels and private homes. Lower cost programs will provide very basic living situations, along with individual and group counseling.

Do More Expensive Drug Rehabs Work Better?

Most addicts do not require personal spa attendants to gain long-term recovery. There is no measuring stick to determine what kinds of therapeutic interventions will succeed. The primary key to attaining and maintaining abstinence is the motivation and willingness of the addicted individual.

The necessary tools for recovery may be just as likely to be provided in a rehab program that consist of sleeping on a cot in a mission and eating in a soup kitchen, as they are to be provided in a tropical island setting or luxurious estate rehab program.

Some addicts will respond more readily to treatment when all outside resources have been removed. This is called “hitting bottom” and can be more conducive to serious commitment to ongoing abstinence than any other factor. Many families and loved ones of addicts have seen the results first-hand of withholding resources to addicts using and abusing drugs. Letting them end up in a church basement for rehab may be dramatic, but may be the only way to end a long cycle of drug addiction.

If you or someone you know is seeking help from addiction, please visit our directory of treatment centers or call 800-772-8219 to start the path to recovery today.

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