The Benefits Of Seeking Residential Treatment In California (And One Drawback)


Sober Recovery Expert Author


If you have reached a point in your life where you are ready to seek addiction recovery treatment for yourself or a loved one, residential treatment in California could be a good option for you. Whether you’re looking for great weather, the perfect natural setting, an urban facility or a highly specific type of care, there will be a residential treatment facility in California that has something to offer you.

Sponsored If you have reached a point in your life where you are ready to seek addiction recovery treatment for yourself or a loved one, residential treatment in California could be a good option for you. Whether you’re looking for great weather, the perfect natural setting, an urban facility or a

There are many specific benefits and reasons why California is an excellent place to seek residential treatment. Read on to discover the benefits of seeking residential treatment in California, and to find out why one potential drawback isn’t such a big deal after all.

1. The weather in California is optimally conducive to a positive recovery experience.

No matter where in the world you are from, one thing you probably know about California is the weather! Famous for being a mostly temperate, enjoyable, sunny place, the typically beautiful weather is a strong benefit for those seeking addiction recovery in a residential treatment setting.

2. The scenery and natural landscapes in California allow for the healing energy of nature to be a part of the recovery experience.

California is home to every type of landscape from beautiful beaches to cliffside views to deserts, snowy mountains, and redwood forests. Engaging with nature has proven healing benefits in mental health treatment and recovery settings, so being able to choose a facility in the specific setting that speaks to your best recovery can make a huge difference in beating addiction and entering recovery.

3. California is a large state, so there are a lot of treatment facilities to find the perfect one that meets your needs.

Especially in the case of a dual diagnosis, having many options to choose exactly the right facility for your specific needs is essential. Whether it’s the natural setting, a rural or more urban location, proximity to an airport or highway, or any other location consideration, you will find an option in California.

4. There are many options for tourism that friends and family can enjoy while their loved one is in treatment.

Having a loved one seeking recovery in residential treatment can be a difficult time for any friend or family member. Having options for things to do to take your mind off of things for a short while can be a saving grace. California is home to many free attractions like state parks and beaches, as well as famous theme parks, shopping, hikes, Hollywood tours, marine experiences, and beyond!

5. There may be assistance programs available to those needing places to stay when they come to visit.

If traveling to treatment or visiting from far away would be a hardship for you or your family, there may be different types of assistance programs available that can support you.

In addition, visiting a loved one who is in treatment in California is very easy for friends and family due to the simple access via car and major airlines and plethora of wonderful places to stay nearby.

One potential drawback

may be that if you or your loved one currently live far away from California, being removed from friends and family during this time may be a challenge. However, sometimes our environments contribute to a pattern of negative decision-making and being in a new place is just the thing we need to start changing our lives.

In the end, we recommend that anyone, especially those from Southern and Midwestern states, consider seeking their residential treatment for addiction recovery in California.

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