talwin pills

Talwin Street Names

talwin pills

Talwin (pentazocine) is prescription painkiller that is in the narcotic analgesics class of drugs. It treats moderate to severe pain, and is often given before or after a surgery or as part of the general anesthesia before a surgical procedure.

Talwin is sometimes mixed with ritalin (a medication used in patients with ADHD) and other drugs, and marketed as a recreational drug under the street names "Poor Man's Heroin," because it may produce a "high" that is similar to the effect of heroin.

Talwin is sometimes mixed with ritalin (a medication used in patients with ADHD) and other drugs, and marketed as a recreational drug under the street names Poor Man's Heroin, because it may produce a high that is similar to the effect of heroin.




LSD; Talwin and ritalin combination is injected and produces an effect similar to the effect of heroin mixed with cocaine.

One and Ones

Talwin and ritalin combination is injected and produces an effect similar to the effect of heroin mixed with cocaine.

Poor Man's Heroin

Talwin and ritalin combination is injected and produces an effect similar to the effect of heroin mixed with cocaine.

Ritz and Ts

A combination of Ritalin and Talwin injected


Place where drugs are sold; Talwin and ritalin combination is injected and produces an effect similar to the effect of heroin mixed with cocaine.

Ts and Rits

Talwin and ritalin combination is injected and produces an effect similar to the effect of heroin mixed with cocaine.

Ts and Rs

Talwin and ritalin combination is injected and produces an effect similar to the effect of heroin mixed with cocaine.

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